will be good if you post the email reply from him.
Here is the email I sent him:
Hi Joel
Thanks for the reply. I am an experienced trader and I have wasted money in the past on training to later find out that the vendor is a scam and/or cannot trade profitably themselves.
Could I ask for some proof that you can trade profitably before I order the training?
Here is the reply
As an experienced trader, you probably already realize the answer to these questions: Does the fact that I can trade profitably using a discretionary method of trading mean that you will be able to trade profitably? Do you think my years of experience and skills, or that of anyone else for that matter, have any bearing on whether you have the experience and skills to implement a discretionary method of trading? Does the fact that I have excellent discipline when it comes to management have any bearing on your trading success?
I don't intend to be sarcastic or inflammatory by asking this. However, it is a lesson that many have not learned. As discretionary traders, we win or lose based on who and what WE are, not on what someone else is. As I pointed out clearly in the presentation, this is not a system, it is not black box - it is pure discretionary trading, watching the ebb and flow of the market, analyzing what you just witnessed, and then making decisions as to whether or not to enter and how to manage, etc.
I have never yet seen any connection between my success and another trader's success. Frequently I call my trades live with clients, all visible on screensharing - they see me pull the trigger, DOM and chart both visible so they know it isn't SIM. I close the day with very nice profits, yet they claim they followed me exactly and ended up with a loss. As you know, they did not follow exactly, and it is not possible to do so in most cases. They entered 4 ticks late, used the same size stop, got clipped on the first wiggle while my entry was never even touched again and I ended up with nice profits while they sucked on a loser. Next trade, they got the same entry price, got nervous after a little heat and hesitation, bailed with two ticks of profit, and I got multiple points. Yet in their mind somehow they feel they did the same exact thing I did and can't understand how they didn't make money while I did.*
Not to bore you with details, but this happens frequently enough to make me a little sarcastic when someone thinks my results have anything to do with theirs. If you feel that my success or lack thereof is relevant to your results, please feel free to enlighten me. I will say this much about it, and please don't take it as a guarantee of success. I have trained a couple hundred traders over the course of the past decade. Never has someone asked for a refund, although a couple complained behind my back that trading this method doesn't work. They wouldn't respond to my emails when it was pointed out to me, so couldn't elaborate on their beef. In typical followup visits two months after going through training, about half have transitioned to a profitable status, while almost to a man (woman) those who responded say it moved their trading skills forward considerably. That compares quite favorably to broker averages where between 5-13% are typically break even or profitable.
I understand your reluctance to trust those in this industry (or any other for that matter) - I experienced it myself many years ago and see the bad consequences of trusting in systems almost daily. I wish you best success in your endeavor, whether you choose to move on down the road alone or not!
My further reply
Hi Joel
Thanks for the reply. I totally understand that learning from a profitable trader does not guarantee success. I do believe though that the chances of success are higher learning from a profitable trader as opposed to an unprofitable trader.
So he claims that on the follow up check he makes 50% of his students are profitable. He also claims nobody has EVER asked for refund. Apparently learning from a profitable trader has no bearing on the odds of success. Lol