It's already priced in the markets.
All polls show a unanimous no.
More of a constitutional change.
Banks ready with early morning staffing to provide liquidity to markes.
@Fugaszy what's happ dude?
You guys are lucky people living in a place like England.
Italy is a mess and has been since the unification of Italy.....1860...anyway that is another long story...
The last prime minister voted by the people was Berlusconi, after him with had 3 technical government or 3 quite Coup d'état.
They got rid of Berlusconi because under the German instruction he was not easy to handle.
Now we have Renzi, another muppet of the EU and the financial institutions, he wants to reform the constitution taking away the right of the people to elect their own senate and many other issues. This is what the Italians are called to vote about.
Now the No vote is supported by a new political movement called M5S, they gaining a lot of consensus and if the No vote wins, Renzi might resign and we are looking finally for a popular vote for the government. M5S are not in favor like many Italians of this Europen Unions and if they win, they will probably will ask for a referendum to stay or not just like Brexit.
Now be aware the European Union can be very well do without Britain, but without Britain and Italy there will be only sausages and snails. Italy is not Greece, where they only produce olives.....
The Eurpean Union has been a tyranny for the Italians.
The Italians and the M5S before they exit probably will try to renegotiate the deals with the Europaen Union and if that happens probability the British will be invited at the table. Here we might create an Union not based on money but on common sense.
In a financial sense If the NO wins it will be a bit like Brexit and US election, there will be fear but then everything will take its proper course. The NO vote can mean NO Europe and a bear Euro.
Sorry Atilla for the many spelling mistakes but I have not time to adjust it, I saw your post and I wanted to answer but I need to rush....Ciao.