Hi there everyone,
My name is Joy and i've been playing this game since the freefall (stocks that is....) of april 2002. Managed to amass a tidy sum in my first year of trading shorting stocks/indices and convinced myself i was a genius!
Naturally i wasn't a genius for very long and the markets soon taught me my first lesson.
There i was right back at square one.
What a ride up!
but, bloody hell, the descent was twice as fast and scary!
How on earth did i manage to make so much and LOSE so much so quickly?
Was that real?
Needless to say i was hooked, still had my initial capital and had to find a way to beat this game.
Then next year or so was tough and was when i really cut my teeth trading; eeking out profits here and there with the occasional home run, but i still hadn't learnt to control my losses..
(yeah i know..but some people need to be told a hundred times before they listen/learn..)
Still i was profitable and the appetite was burning.
I began developing models and collecting my own data, staying up late into the night searching for an elusive pattern that could give me an edge..
(i have just found another one this evening, which is why i'm writing this at 3 in the morning! lol!
but when you've found a nugget of infomation you need to act before it's too late)
Anyway i digress..
actually this was just meant to be a quick intro...
i'm going to start a blog.
i'll continue my ramblings in the blog titled 'Accelerated Knowledge letters' along with my thoughts on where the markets are today and where they may possibly go..
hope i can share my experiences with you and aid your prosperity and look foward to getting to know some of you.
take it easy
up 10.8% YTD
up 112% since 31.12.03