Hi all,
A truly newbie here. Found this site via various links and find it fasinating, but also a bit scary as it really tells me I am out of my depth. I am a stay at home dad, looking to make some money from home. My current mode is property, which is good, but slow, and not very exciting - my latest deal made 30k but with very little 'buzz' as it took time and a lot of effort. I am keen to get into shares or spread betting, to get some excitement from making money quickly 'with risk'.
I have subscribed to a spread bet advice site, and they 'assure' me I will make double figure returns in days!! This sounds a little quicker than my property deals that take months, but probably, to good to be true!!
Is spread betting a good thing? Or do you know of a better way to make some quick cash from home?
To sum up, I am sitting at home, with money to invest, looking for some way to make some more money in an exciting way.
I have 3 months before it is back to 'magnolia on a roller' in my next property, so please give me some ideas.... website addresses welcome.
A truly newbie here. Found this site via various links and find it fasinating, but also a bit scary as it really tells me I am out of my depth. I am a stay at home dad, looking to make some money from home. My current mode is property, which is good, but slow, and not very exciting - my latest deal made 30k but with very little 'buzz' as it took time and a lot of effort. I am keen to get into shares or spread betting, to get some excitement from making money quickly 'with risk'.
I have subscribed to a spread bet advice site, and they 'assure' me I will make double figure returns in days!! This sounds a little quicker than my property deals that take months, but probably, to good to be true!!
Is spread betting a good thing? Or do you know of a better way to make some quick cash from home?
To sum up, I am sitting at home, with money to invest, looking for some way to make some more money in an exciting way.
I have 3 months before it is back to 'magnolia on a roller' in my next property, so please give me some ideas.... website addresses welcome.