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[HOWTOINVEST] Investing Darwins: pitfalls, guidelines and expectations

darwin ULI

darwin UYZ


A note about the future of this darwin:it is easy to predict big Divergence problems for investors in this darwin after studying it,but thankfully trader behind this darwin is a responsible person and knowing the avalanche of investments will come after this promotion,he limited the investment into 'his darwin' to 600k and thus protected his early investors and prevented the dumb money ruining everything with Divergence.Only about 50k of free space left before ceiling hit ;)
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While Darwinex makes money with a management fee that does not suffer from divergence, the provider make money on the net performance of investors, so better600k of aum of winning investors than 1 million of break even investors beacause of divergence. 😼
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This is my presumtion?
No cheat.Trader behind HFD entered personal psychological crisis and was kind enough to write a letter(mid July) in old official forum.So smart money had the chance to jump out in July,while the dumb money stayed and suffered what you can see.
Besides Darwinex, do all you know any similar business model (copy trade + performance fee).
I have found "Etoro popular investor". But, it's not good as Darwinex.
Besides Darwinex, do all you know any similar business model (copy trade + performance fee).
I have found "Etoro popular investor". But, it's not good as Darwinex.
You should ask that in some other thread in this forum or start a new thread.
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I don't know,only company has true data on influence between new regime where darwins are supposed to trade with whole-sale conditions while trader is trading with retail conditions and company is compensated with new management fee.
Maybe you have forgotten the last part of Pivot discussion:

BTW I plan to continue the discussion here on a dedicated topic . ;)
Ok,what's next in presentation of Darwinex skill to pick and promote good traders?
There was a big business conference in London a year ago and Darwinex decided to participate and present themselves there.They went there in style and spent a good amount of money to rub shoulders with giants like Nomura and Merrill Lynch.To spice up their presentations,boss decided to pick two traders and bring them in London to participate in presentation.They were traders from darwins ZVQ and GFA.

Quant conf..png


The link to the video of particular presentation where two traders appeared:

darwin ZVQ was already promoted previously and you can find in this thread about that,here only screenshot of his performance for investors since that presentation in London:

Darwin GFA performance since London presentation: