How to import Data to Metastock - Help Me!


I am a true beginner to metastock but I have learned sometimes over the past days and I think the interface is very easy to use. However, I need help with a very important thing.

1. How do I import EOD data to metastock (I do not plan on subscribing to any provider), I have a program that downloads data in TXT files but not DAT Files that metastock uses; is there anything that downloads data in metastock format so that conversion is not necessary. If there is a process that converts TXT in metastock format to .DAT files, how long does it take? Does metastock's downloader that comes with it do anything useful without a reuter's datalink?

I need a method that will be very quick at downloading/updating data via Yahoo! Finance or any free provider.

2. How do I get a listing of all the stocks traded in the US and their specified exchanges?

I appreciate any help :|
"The Downloader" that came with your copy of Metastock will convert other files, such as text files, to Metastock dat format for you - it's under 'Tools->Convert' on the menu bar.
You can download the data in text format from lots of places and the downloader will let you select an appropriate format to load, you tell it to output as Metastock dat file, and sit back while it does it. Easy peasy <g>
.....Sometimes if the data is in correct format...i.e....Epic, date(YYMMDD), O H L C V....and it is a *.TXT file then just renaming it to *.PRN or even....*.DAT could also work with programmes like Metaload to load the data into Metastock.....

Metaload will load TXT format data as well....You have to 'educate' the programme...And that's all...

These are all TXT files in a way so anything will work....Just experiment....
When you buy Metastock do you not also get the data feed?
If you buy the monthly subscription do you get the data feed and does it cover everthing, US, EU stocks, commodities, currencies etc?
(i emailed MS but no reply yet)
When you buy Metastock do you not also get the data feed?
If you buy the monthly subscription do you get the data feed and does it cover everthing, US, EU stocks, commodities, currencies etc?
(i emailed MS but no reply yet)

.....Metastock does not come with data feed.....It has got facility to get data from anywhere.....That is the best part of this software....You are NOT tied in to one data supplier.....

You can buy a mothly subscition version as well.....However I think it is best to purchase a full working software package...

Metastock is owned by Reuters, see link below showing data available....

Equis International, a Reuters company
.....Metastock does not come with data feed.....It has got facility to get data from anywhere.....That is the best part of this software....You are NOT tied in to one data supplier.....

You can buy a mothly subscition version as well.....However I think it is best to purchase a full working software package...

Metastock is owned by Reuters, see link below showing data available....

Equis International, a Reuters company

Thanks Zambuck I get it now.

I am a true beginner to metastock but I have learned sometimes over the past days and I think the interface is very easy to use. However, I need help with a very important thing.

1. How do I import EOD data to metastock (I do not plan on subscribing to any provider), I have a program that downloads data in TXT files but not DAT Files that metastock uses; is there anything that downloads data in metastock format so that conversion is not necessary. If there is a process that converts TXT in metastock format to .DAT files, how long does it take? Does metastock's downloader that comes with it do anything useful without a reuter's datalink?

I need a method that will be very quick at downloading/updating data via Yahoo! Finance or any free provider.

2. How do I get a listing of all the stocks traded in the US and their specified exchanges?

I appreciate any help :|

Buy ML downloader it is a small one off payment and downloads data free from Yahoo and forex all in a form that metastock and similar can read worth every penny of small price for this function

