End Of Day Metastock UK symbol list


Have struggled with the above but now have things sorted.
If you buy Metastock EOD and have a UK data supplier you need
to have your symbol list set up in Metastock BEFORE you can download data.
If your data supplier does not supply the symbols.
Equis do not supply the UK symbols whicjh I think is wrong.

I use InvestorEase EOD, someone else has mentioned Sharescope does things better.

Bob Debnam (Trendline) offers historical data on CD £90 with Updates
This includes the symbols I am told.

I did mine the hard way lol
Downloaded mine from Yahoo for free.
In Excel, I got rid of all the .L suffixes
Put the data the right way around for metastock

Had big issues in Notepad trying to change .TXT into .SYM
Its not as easy as it says in the manual
Not with my notepad anyway.
It took an hour or two lol
Saving the file as a sym file still left it being recognised as a txt file which Metastock would not look at.
Answer is Save as, Save as type, All files
Name file xxxx.sym and voila!

Browsing tonight I found a file that has the UK symbol list set up the righy way
Such is life.
Its at http://www.spacejock.com/DataFAQ.html
at the bottom of the page

Wouldnt mind a folder set up with UK symbols in Sectors if anyone can point me to or give them.

Onassis...my answers in blue italics...as below..

Onassis said:
Have struggled with the above but now have things sorted.
If you buy Metastock EOD and have a UK data supplier you need
to have your symbol list set up in Metastock BEFORE you can download data if your data supplier does not supply the symbols.

Yes you need that...the way it is possible as I am sure you have found out is that export data from Sharescope or Investor Ease. Also Paritech na many others supply data..Some of these are maintained data...i.e renamed, deleted and new listings...

Equis do not supply the UK symbols whicjh I think is wrong.

I agree...that is one of my main arguments with them....Do Equis believe there is investor/trading life outside US??...I always wonder why people like Paritech do not 'lean on them'? I think Equis should cater for UK market and supply data and history of at least 2 years to all purchasers...I agree with your sentiments..

I use InvestorEase EOD, someone else has mentioned Sharescope does things better.

Both are good....and have used both but decided on Sharescope...it is easy to export data from sharescope in FTSE100, 250, Techmark etc format...easy to maintain data...Sharescope is in spreadsheet format so if you wanted to check PE ratio etc it is a doddle...

Bob Debnam (Trendline) offers historical data on CD £90 with Updates
This includes the symbols I am told.

I did mine the hard way lol
Downloaded mine from Yahoo for free.

Yahoo data is not accurate at times....your charts will be skewed with wrong data...I know it is tempting but i have checked and I am glad I did not trade with yahoo data...

In Excel, I got rid of all the .L suffixes
Put the data the right way around for metastock

Had big issues in Notepad trying to change .TXT into .SYM
Its not as easy as it says in the manual
Not with my notepad anyway.
It took an hour or two lol
Saving the file as a sym file still left it being recognised as a txt file which Metastock would not look at.
Answer is Save as, Save as type, All files
Name file xxxx.sym and voila!

Have you tried foxpro to change masses of data?

Browsing tonight I found a file that has the UK symbol list set up the righy way
Such is life.
Its at http://www.spacejock.com/DataFAQ.html
at the bottom of the page

Wouldnt mind a folder set up with UK symbols in Sectors if anyone can point me to or give them.

I can provide a snippet of folder holding FTSE100 data...which you can put in your data directory for you to see....

zambuck said:
Onassis...my answers in blue italics...as below..

Tx for reply Zambuck
Currently drinking red wine and watching CSI in the meat factory, have retired to the office till the dirty deed is over. Sally tells me when its safe to come out lol

Used Yahoo to get symbol and name lists
Will use data from Investorease

Fox pro, is that the database software I used 20 years ago in DOS? lol

Have managed to export IE data into Metastock
I have had MS for one month most spent on the data input side
I have bought Metaload for automatic download.
Sent Metaload and Investorease an earfull about not being fully upfront with
Metastock symbol issue
Metaload's reply was to buy more of their software.
I said I took issue with firms selling software that required other software to work properly.

Expect to be fully functional with UK data middle of next week when Metaload sort me out a password.
Dont leave it to the end of the trial period. They have a weird way of unlocking the software.
It involves user names that I dont know I have. lol

Have been experimenting with Explorer and
Enhanced System Tester lol

regards Colin
Budweiser here mate....after famous grouse with client today...so punching right key is a feat in itself....lady and kids tucked in bed....I am in my computer room...ever faithful dog watching sleepily....well things are normal in household....

Why worry about symbols....when you can export a folder data in one hit from sharescope????..for example FTSE 100 250, 350, techmark etc etc...I have not worried about symbols etc for a long time...

I used to use Metatools that would maintain data very effectively, but it seems to have died a death....it no longer works as it used to when it linked up with FT site and maintained the data....

Sentinel packages work on name etc...yes it is like that...

Foxpro handles data very well indeed...I think it is more versatile in some issues than excel...

Explorer is what I use...not system tester....system tester had few glitches and explorer filtered items very well...so that I would say is the best feature...Filter stocks....save in a folder...scan charts...and decide....

zambuck said:
Budweiser here mate....after famous grouse with client today...so punching right key is a feat in itself....lady and kids tucked in bed....I am in my computer room...ever faithful dog watching sleepily....well things are normal in household....

Why worry about symbols....when you can export a folder data in one hit from sharescope????..for example FTSE 100 250, 350, techmark etc etc...I have not worried about symbols etc for a long time...

I used to use Metatools that would maintain data very effectively, but it seems to have died a death....it no longer works as it used to when it linked up with FT site and maintained the data....

Sentinel packages work on name etc...yes it is like that...

Foxpro handles data very well indeed...I think it is more versatile in some issues than excel...

Explorer is what I use...not system tester....system tester had few glitches and explorer filtered items very well...so that I would say is the best feature...Filter stocks....save in a folder...scan charts...and decide....


Tx Zambuck
Nearing end of bottle................. , red
Intend testing Robert Deel's systems when I have my head around Explorer
Would consider Sharescope but Sally has a thing about the chap from Investorease lol
May have to exhibit Alpha male tendencies.


ps dog gone to bed
pps hope know one read this rubbish
ppps have read Socrates on No Indicators, it gets a little deep, ie darkside, yu know, The Force

ppps I'm going ...............................................................
pppps Have been to Madras , Kakinada, and Bombay, looked at profile lol
Symbol List

Zambuck, I hope you dont mind me asking a question regarding sharescope. I use sharescope to export data to Metastock also. Im interested in your method without relying on symbol data. At the moment Im exporting a table of all shares in Ftse100/200 all share etc, with headings for Epic, Name and index. Then in excel manipilating the epics ending in '.' to '-' then saving as txt, opening in notepad and then saving as a sym file for metastock. Then export from Sharescope all the share prices in the table, and updating Metastock. So far all shares are in one folder in Metastock. In Metastock Ive created faverate folders called FTSE100/200 etc each containing the relevant shares. Sounds long winded but once created its prety easy. The only draw back with this is that as and when shares get relagated in Sharescope, unless I check the files, Metastock wont reflect this. Were as if I was exporting as you suggest this wouldnt be a problem. Could you give me the jist of how you do this. Which ever way Ive tried to do it Id still have to create a symbol list, unless your exporting ftse100 from sharescope, the converting folder to true Metastock and leaving the folder as its is. In which case are youexporting all history each day.
Regards Robert
It would be good to have maintained data that takes into account splits, new, renamed and deleted securities...

Following is the way I do it now…

Create a folder called Metastock Data...under that create folders like
Index History

I keep separate folder with long term history data of markets and securities....I never change that...so for FTSE, DOW NAS etc I have data going back to day one - well almost....

In sharescope click 100….export full history in metastock format......and then using downloader bring that data into FTSE 100 folder in metastock....do that for all others....This you can do say every 2 months or so…that takes care of maintenance of all data….

For daily update click ALL in Sharescope and export DAILY data and then using Metaload update the folder - Metastock Data and all folders under it...All data will update daily....

Designate a folder to export data to...and after use purge the data....

Remember put all items in one folder that you want to retain the history of....and mostly it will be things like Indexes etc for which you may have collected long term data...

Also what I do is add all indexes in each folder like FTSE 100, 250 etc as well...because you may have found that if you are in FTSE 100 folder and if you wanted to open say UKX, it will be in other folder...so why not have it as part of FTSE100....I like the feature of metastock in which you type the epic and chart will open in a flash...

Downloader you will use only when updating database history…for daily update metaload is fine…

Downloader does not update folders within folders….metaload does that fine…

I hope you understand what I am saying....it sounds long winded but it is quit simple really…
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EOD symbols uk

Thankyou for your reply, I like the look of your method, its looks more reliable than mine in as much as Sharescope will keep the Ftse100/200 upto date. Ill do a search for Metaload as I asume this is a seperate software. Ive only had Metastock a couple of months so stil finding my way around.
Regards Robert
zambuck said:
It would be good to have maintained data that takes into account splits, new, renamed and deleted securities...

Following is the way I do it now…

Create a folder called Metastock Data...under that create folders like
Index History

I keep separate folder with long term history data of markets and securities....I never change that...so for FTSE, DOW NAS etc I have data going back to day one - well almost....

In sharescope click 100….export full history in metastock format......and then using downloader bring that data into FTSE 100 folder in metastock....do that for all others....This you can do say every 2 months or so…that takes care of maintenance of all data….

For daily update click ALL in Sharescope and export DAILY data and then using Metaload update the folder - Metastock Data and all folders under it...All data will update daily....

Designate a folder to export data to...and after use purge the data....

Remember put all items in one folder that you want to retain the history of....and mostly it will be things like Indexes etc for which you may have collected long term data...

Also what I do is add all indexes in each folder like FTSE 100, 250 etc as well...because you may have found that if you are in FTSE 100 folder and if you wanted to open say UKX, it will be in other folder...so why not have it as part of FTSE100....I like the feature of metastock in which you type the epic and chart will open in a flash...

Downloader you will use only when updating database history…for daily update metaload is fine…

Downloader does not update folders within folders….metaload does that fine…

I hope you understand what I am saying....it sounds long winded but it is quit simple really…
I have recently started using Metastock V7.02 and am having trouble loading historical data.As I have sharescope I followed your advice and used it to export to Metastock Data file but I am afraid that I cannot seem to use downloader to bring the data into FTSE100 folder does this work with V7.02?? if so what am I doing wrong??

What happens when you try out the export routine..??

Pleae explain more with where the problem lies..


Anyone using Metastock please give me some insight to these plug-ins.

Which are the best for me (I will be getting 3). I Trade futures in commodities, indices and Forex. Anyone know any good plug-ins?

zambuck said:

What happens when you try out the export routine..??

Pleae explain more with where the problem lies..


When I export FTSE100 full history in Metastock format the shares appear in Metastock Data as AAL.prn…..VOD.prn files and are not recognized as Metastock files.
If I move the files to a FTSE100 file they appear on the open dialog as prn files but I cannot access them.
...OK you are doing right things here...

You are exporting correctly as files appear in AAL.prn, VOD.prn etc etc...However these need to be exported to another folder rather than Metastock Data, as Metastock will not be able to access these data. It needs a translation process which downloader or Metaload will do. Metaload is a third party software that works with Metastock...

Metaload will access these files and add the data to the folders used by Metastock...

Downloader will also do what Metaload does but there is a limitation. Downloader will not update folders within folders, so you may end up with longer process....

7.02's Downloader manual is very comprehensive so I suggest you follow that...

But if you are going to create a folder called 'Metastock Data' and then have folders within that called 'FTSE100, FTSE250...and so and so forth, I'm afraid Metaload may be the only package that will refresh all folders under 'Metastock Data'....

Try Metaload for 30 days before paying and see what you feel....For price tag of approx70 odd quid, it is a big time saver for data update....

If problems please feel free to PM me....