FTSE trading...

Technically Fundamental

Senior member
Anyone have any idea where you can find information on how trading on the index the affcets the underlying stocks and vice versa and also where you can get volume data for FTSE.
components are listed quite nicely on yahoo and downloadable, i think you can compute / derive the index using this as it is by market cap. not sure how dividends impact this though.
It's a bit chicken and egg, if the FTSE futures are being sold off then the "black boxes" will sell the stocks and then that will probably cause more selling of stocks driving down FTSE more.

If certain stocks are being hit this will hit the FTSE which will in turn drag everything else down.
You can probably get volume for underlying stocks on yajoo or something, as for volume in the FTSE future, try the exchange it's listed on.

need to see how its weighted reall as well.

I'm live again now I'm thinking I'm just going to stick to one market for the time being and learn more about how the markets work from there. Principles are the same everywhere arent they? I thought that the only diff between markets is behavious patterns. Jumping from market to market is what killed me last time. Slow and steady for now.

also on my broker acc does that show volume traded through my broker of as per the exchange?
ftse volume so far today is 38503 on front month future if you want some figures to compare to what your broker is showing...
yeh. I get carried away sometimes lol.

I know MM can make all the diff but soething keeps telling me there's a lot more to this game if you want to do it properly.
yeh. I get carried away sometimes lol.

I know MM can make all the diff but soething keeps telling me there's a lot more to this game if you want to do it properly.

There isn't really mate.

Either Buy low, sell high

or buy high sell higher (or vice versa for a bear).

I'm not sure if there is anything to find in correlating volume in the stocks and movements in the FTSe future. You could just get someone offloading a program of FTSE stocks which will show a rise in vols but the market may soon recover as this is swallowed up but leaving you short the FTSE.

Not taking the p*ss or anything but since you've said you're live again what is your plan?