ForexMorningTrade System

My first account got in on time and then the usual mayhem.

All other SLM accounts were 4.3 pips and over a minute behind.

I re-installed etc over weekend. This is just not right.

Read this, I posted late last night:

I'm thinking it's just better to go to a broker and pay the tax. At least one doesn't have to waste so much time and strife on this cr*p.

Yes, I've seen that before Rob. Don't think we can accuse SLM without proof, but that explanation about what can happen when a broker uses that software bears a remarkable resemblance to what is happening to us in the last week.

I knew this was going to be a crap trade!

Out for -40 on two trades!

Ah well, recoup tomorrow,

Good luck to any still in.
06:15 Entries
40/30/25/5 -40 (SLM)
45/35/25/5 -45 (Alpari UK)

06:30 Entry
40/10 NO Trade
I think we had wicked treatment by that spike, perhaps it's only sets with more than 60SL who would still be in by now.

Results of the last 100 trades, at the then recommended starting times

10tp/40sl 550
40/40 480
28/40 420
35/40/BE 280

the last 200 trades
40/40 2000
28/40 1860
35/40/BE 1740
10/40 1250
06:15 Entries
40/30/25/5 -40 (SLM)
45/35/25/5 -45 (Alpari UK)

06:30 Entry
40/10 NO Trade

Interesting, are you trading the 40/10 at 6-30?
I thought that most had opted for the 6-15 entry?
I have moved to the 6-15 as Wise's statistics seemed to show similar advantages as with standard FMT?

What is consensus?
Interesting, are you trading the 40/10 at 6-30?
I thought that most had opted for the 6-15 entry?
I have moved to the 6-15 as Wise's statistics seemed to show similar advantages as with standard FMT?

What is consensus?

My Reasons for 06:30
1) Its already proven -- over 90% winning trades and I doubt that you will end up doing much better no matter what time you enter with this strtegy .
2) I actually went through trades from last year until end of April of this year and I had more losers on the 06:15 than 06:30. The interesting thing here is that 06:15 does more often than not give a better entry than 06:30 but when it did not is often when it losers and 06:30 manages to win. (this is only true for 40/10). The better entry price on 06:15 outways the 06:30 entry for other normal strategies.
3) I also found there to be more No Trades on 06:15 as well.

All in all Im happy to Enter the market at 06:30am for the 10/40 strategy and not 06:15am.
My Reasons for 06:30
1) Its already proven -- over 90% winning trades and I doubt that you will end up doing much better no matter what time you enter with this strtegy .
2) I actually went through trades from last year until end of April of this year and I had more losers on the 06:15 than 06:30. The interesting thing here is that 06:15 does more often than not give a better entry than 06:30 but when it did not is often when it losers and 06:30 manages to win. (this is only true for 40/10). The better entry price on 06:15 outways the 06:30 entry for other normal strategies.
3) I also found there to be more No Trades on 06:15 as well.

All in all Im happy to Enter the market at 06:30am for the 10/40 strategy and not 06:15am.

Many thanks for your comments.
In fact, before I went live on 10/40, I trialled on demo at the then FMT time of 6-30 and simply assumed that the earlier time would also benefit 10/40.
Clearly, from your analysis this might not be the case.

From the results I have achieved at the earlier time, I would tend to agree with your analysis.

I think I will move my live plays back to 6-30 but watch the 6-15 entries on demo.

Many thanks
Has anyone got any questions for a poll at "Podberry's polling station" tomorrow morning ? - one thought was % total returns people have made since starting FMT.:idea:
Has anyone got any questions for a poll at "Podberry's polling station" tomorrow morning ? - one thought was % total returns people have made since starting FMT.:idea:

I think your idea of polls is great and gives some "feel" for peoples satisfaction with FMT.
However, call me cynical if you like but I am not sure that people are clinically correct (aka honest) with their answers.

Also, care needs to be taken with the question:
For example, someone might say "I have doubled my account since August 2010".
Is that demo or live? is it theory based on all signals? Etc, etc.

For me, I see significantly greater value in yours, wise and desert eagle's (among others) analysis whereby you give the pips possible since a specif date.
That is clinical and it follows that it is irrelevant of the $ amount made as is whether the trades were actually taken.

sorry, I really do not mean to take anything out of the value of the polls but that is my opinion, perhaps it is the engineer in me?

That said, I will contribute to the poll in the spirit that I know you mean it to be taken, for the general benefit of all here.

All the best,