ForexMorningTrade System

anyway from chart, gu could be to 60856, so i guess long with be BE in short time
from my experience of gu price action
since the timing is wrong
so i get out with some pips here
for statistics with owner will be the same

good luck to you guys
Hi everyone.

Re: 7tp/20sl and 10tp/40sl

Bit puzzled by your enthusiastic interest in these numbers guys.

The test between Dec 09 and Feb 11 covers 243 trades that had a signal on FMT. I didn’t record any data of a swing less than 20 pips (to account for the 20BE in the stats) so would have to go right back to the beginning to get figures on these sets – another 40/50 hours at least. I wouldn’t mind doing that if I thought it worthwhile. But just consider the following:

The worst performing set in the test (30tp/40sl) produced 1803 pips.

At 7tp/20sl even if every single trade was a winner, that would only be 1701 pips (243 x 7)
And at a ratio of 7/20, you would have to win 180 of the 243 trades (74%) just to break even.

At 10tp/40sl again if 100% of trades were winners – 2430 pips.
And at a ratio of 10:40 (1:4) you would have to win 195 of the 243 trades to break even.

Or am I missing something?


Hi Mike
According to my rough strategy tester on fxpro I see the following for 40SL/10TP
SELLS-93.68% win
LONGS - 83.20% win
Overall - 87.73 win
Profit factor - 1.9
Max drawdown - 14.97%
max consecutive wins - 25
max consecutive losses - 2 (once)
10K a/c @ 5% risk ratio starting on the same day and finishing on the same day as your examples = $19029 profit
Thinking with the high win rate the risk ratio can be higher than 2%...thats all
Now having said test says there were only 220 trades compared to your 243 and modelling quality is my figures need confirmation from a more accurate source
I got a no Signal from Oanda - But long on Smart live and Alpari UK demos - I manually entered long on Oanda though. Wonder why I never got a signal with Oanda - Must be something to do with the server work over the weekend - Strange
Frankfurt clearly doesn't see the day as FMT does at the moment, thought we were going to get taken out on their 1st candle! -fingers crossed!
Hi everyone.

Re: 7tp/20sl and 10tp/40sl

Bit puzzled by your enthusiastic interest in these numbers guys.

The test between Dec 09 and Feb 11 covers 243 trades that had a signal on FMT. I didn’t record any data of a swing less than 20 pips (to account for the 20BE in the stats) so would have to go right back to the beginning to get figures on these sets – another 40/50 hours at least. I wouldn’t mind doing that if I thought it worthwhile. But just consider the following:

The worst performing set in the test (30tp/40sl) produced 1803 pips.

At 7tp/20sl even if every single trade was a winner, that would only be 1701 pips (243 x 7)
And at a ratio of 7/20, you would have to win 180 of the 243 trades (74%) just to break even.

At 10tp/40sl again if 100% of trades were winners – 2430 pips.
And at a ratio of 10:40 (1:4) you would have to win 195 of the 243 trades to break even.

Or am I missing something?


Dumb question, but are you assuming the same lotsize for 7tp/20sl vs 30tp/40sl? You will no doubt already have seen people talking about money management - if you risk 2% on each trade regardless of the number of pips then your 7tp/20sl would seem to have done a lot better as you would be staking double on each trade.

Apologies if it was mentioned that the pips might be scaled further back on the thread, but I must have missed that post :cheesy:
I know we had to move our clocks ahead here in the US but are you sure FXDD adjusted there time?

I'm pretty sure.

I now live in the UK, and when I opened MT4 all the settings were off by an hour. I'm sure that when UK DST starts at the end of March I will have to reverse the change.

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