ForexMorningTrade System

told ya. You should have got in one hour early for this week only. Backtests prove it.

Dear trader,

What do you mean by "for this week only" ? do you mean in the backtest that you did only first week when the time changed we have to enter eariler one hour? and then we move forward?
because the backtest doesn't make any changes this week. Only London government made changes.

If you opened trade an hour earlier than the rest of us, then you opened 2 1/2 hours before London open. It may work just fine but is not in line with the strategy of FMT and just plain confusing. I changed nothing in the EA and it opened just when it should because broker time and London time both changed in concert.
If you opened trade an hour earlier than the rest of us, then you opened 2 1/2 hours before London open. It may work just fine but is not in line with the strategy of FMT and just plain confusing. I changed nothing in the EA and it opened just when it should because broker time and London time both changed in concert.

You must have a European broker. My posts are in reference to North American brokers only.