a) Some are (significantly) worse than bad
b) How do you know they are getting good results ? are you following them trade by trade or relying on 3rd party verification (which by the way is extremely easy to falsify... in most cases its specifically designed so it can be falsified)
c) 6 winning months out of 7. Even T2W's latest pet vendor managed that (it was the losses in the 7th month that wiped out the previous 6 months gains that are the problem). Throwing around these sorts of metrics is pointless really.
d) What exactly do you mean by consistant ? In most cases if you look at the day to day performance of a signals service you are looking at the varience in the returns, not the returns. To be blunt, watching varience isnt really a very smart thing to do. My trading is "absolutely 100% consistant" but the returns made over a given sample period certainly are not.
e) If someone fully exposed an edge in order that I could verify the method worked, and then was kind enough to give me signals, I'd quite happily follow em providing they met with my objectives. The problem is that the tiny minority who are prepared to do that dont actually meet my personal objectives. Either they earn to little, or take too much risk, or trade to frequently, or trade too infrequently etc etc.
Imagine what would happen when the goose stops laying its golden eggs, and you have no idea why.