Dow Competition - Wrong Fri Close


Last Friday the Dow Competition recorded the close at 11259, when in fact it was 11279. I've now updated the price and consequently this had two effects. The bonus points for the closest prediction last week now go to snuffy44 (sorry g.j.a!), and a few of the predictions for this week change direction because the levels have moved slightly.

I don't think I should have won this week as the Dow seemed to close at 11248 not 11230 as stated?
frugi said:

I don't think I should have won this week as the Dow seemed to close at 11248 not 11230 as stated?

This may mess up next weeks guesses also as the the "SAME" range is based on 11233 and not on 11248. Those who already guessed and didn't realize this may not get the direction they expected.
Grrrr! Don't understand why this keeps happening, I'll have to fix it once again. Unfortunately I can't do anything about the ranges, but you're right some people's direction might change as a consequence (althout the difference was only 18 points so shouldn't be a big problem).