Dealing room

stoploss please

Established member

Some of you guys expressed an interest to set up a trading room. Today I had a meeting with one of my business partners and the subject of un-occupied space came up. He has one large office for rent off Brook Street at the Grosvenor Square end, two minutes from the USA Embassy, nearest tube being Bond Street.

There is space for fifteen serious traders to rent hot desks that come equipped with all the pc kit and telephones. You will also have your own dedicated server and support. All I need to know is how many people are interested and how many monitors do you want.

Also, if you so want to, you could share the desk with another trader so one of you could trade European markets and the other New York. That way, you share the rent.

A couple of more things, this not my office and I do not make any thing out of it however, I will probably take one of the desks for my own activities. However, my business partner who is not a trader expects to make a profit.


How much?

You have got competition, herbie14 was thinking of starting a
room in liverpool street for approx 500 a month..

Not in it to compete and I am sure there is enough demand out there to fill two rooms.

500 squid sounds reasonable but I need to have some serious numbers before this thing goes forward. Not planning to sit there on my own.
