Anyone rent a trading desk in London?


Does anyone here rent a desk at in a trading shop in London?

Not interested in a desk at a shared office space sitting next to startup clowns - looking for somewhere surrounded by other active traders?

I'm over the sitting at home by yourself. Was fun for a while but you miss too much.
Hello, also would be interested.
Maybe if we get enough people we could create one?
I agree - lets see if we get a bit of traction here on this topic.

I have a few other guys in London that I mentor and we sometimes have trading sessions together. I will ask them if interested. One of them is for sure.
I agree - lets see if we get a bit of traction here on this topic.

I have a few other guys in London that I mentor and we sometimes have trading sessions together. I will ask them if interested. One of them is for sure.
Hi Crystalet,
Are you taking on any others for mentoring by any chance?
If so is there anyway of contacting you?

Try Xconnect, they are in Moorgate, have been going since 2003 and they suport traders, trading group and brokers. PM for contact details if required.
They seem to be more about broker services. There is actually plenty of small office space around London. I have a phone call scheduled week after next with what seems an estate office specialised in this kind of thing.