Desk Space in London??


Junior member
Hi all, looking to rent a desk in London, thought id post a quick thread to see if anybody has any ideas where I should be looking? and what firms offer desk space to rent. Trading can be a lonely place at home, so would be great to interact with others trading like myself.

Suggestions and ideas would be great!
Hi James
Sorry I cant help you on this one but may I suggest you consider the following. Maybe try and find a few individuals who trade in a similar style to yourself and form a sort of Co op. Rent an office and kit it out yourselves. It can be a single room or more elaborate. This isn't too difficult to find in London. This way you can control your over heads and set your own rules of conduct.
Personally I thrive on the solitude during trading hours then I more than make up for it the rest of the time.
Good luck if you go either route.

Finally there is a post on this forum that covers the exact same question.
Here is the link for you.
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