Best Thread Capital Spreads


yes you can open a dollar account and a sterling account . If you credit your sterling account with funds we will transfer the money to your dollar account at the spot rate.
Or you can just fund your dollar account directly.

The minimum stake is then $1 which as you say equates to about 54p.

Thanks Simon.
Would there be any hidden costs in going this route (various charges etc?) for taking money out/ funding the account etc?

I am currently with deal4free but I am taking my trading very slowly and want to try out various strategies and for a poor man like me, even £1 per point can be quite dangerous.

Can you give me a link (or tell me briefly) what market you offer. I'd mainly be interseted in trading the DOW but also in certain Nazdaq stocks if possible.


no there are no 'hidden' costs... BUT we cannot return the money to you in a different form than it was received. So we could not pay you back in dollars if we received the money in sterling originally. When you wish to take a repayment we transfer the funds (again at the current spot rates) back to your sterling account.

We quote wall street (dow) nasdaq and S&P indices. We quote the Nasdaq 100 stocks and the S&P 500 stocks. In general we will quote any US stock that has a market capitalisation of greater than $1 Billion. You just have to ask us for it.

I must say though that if money is tight etc , Spread Betting might not be a suitable investment vehicle. As derivatives trading can be very risky.

candles said:
I am currently with deal4free but I am taking my trading very slowly and want to try out various strategies and for a poor man like me, even £1 per point can be quite dangerous.

Candles, I'd echo what capitalspreads says. It is important, particularly when starting to trade, to use 'disposable' funds, and the sheer fact that they're not disposable may affect your entire trading regime to the detriment.

Look at it this way: 10% of traders are successful and 90% of those probably lost money before they made it. I'd say that only a very small percentage of traders go from absolute beginner to totally successful trader without blowing some capital along the way. No reason that you can't be the exception (and I know there are exceptions, but I'm not one of them!), of course, but it's worth appreciating the odds.

I'm not trying to put you off though, merely pointing out that it's worth preparing for a long haul at the outset. Start with tiny bets from a disposable set of funds and build up gradually.

Good luck.
Spreadbet/Spot Forex trading


Hope someone here will be able to provide a brief description on this two Spreadbet on Forex and Spot Trading on Forex.....Sometime back i had done few trade in Spreadbet, iam not sure of spreadbet on Forex. Iam interested on Forex trading and working on that. And since i have some background on spreadbet i am working on it, but would be interested to know about Pros&Cons on bothe spreadbet & Spot trading Forex Currencies...

Pls help me...

the differences between SB and direct access on FX is now wafer thin. Of course I would argue in favour of SB platforms but just as many would extol the virtues of the Spot FX trading sites. In general the spreads are now very similar for both (if you look at us and D4F) and the functionality is pretty similar as well, with SB order models now reflecting professional sites.

There is still the fear of dealers using SB companies that their stops may be hunted out by the SB company itself (no matter how often this is denied). And on the other side dealers do like the fact that if they do make profits on the SB platforms, those profits are tax free. But against this again many of the SB companies are not 24 hours online. Though to be honest a day trader in FX should in reality confine his/her trading to specific times of the day and should not go home with any positions. If you are trading in the middle of the night a) you are probably desperate and b) tired.

In general spread betting also requires less margin up front , especially with Capital Spreads.

But my advice would be to test each type of dealing for yourself and go with the one you feel most comfortable with.


the spreads are the same (actually a bit tighter on one or two) but the price feed is slightly different... as the live site has a more reliable price supplier.

In the live site the spreads are
GBP/USD 3 pips
EUR/USD 3 pips
USD/JPY 3 pips
AUD/USD 3 pips
EUR/GBP 3 pips
USD/JPY 3 pips

in the demo site the prices come from a composite price feed which is an ammalgum of a great number of quoting brokers.

Both sites are real time though and the prices should be very close at all times.


uummm the reason is pretty prosiac.... nobody has been bothered to change it since we set up the new feeds on the live site. They used to be the same until a pricing engine upgrade was made on the live platform.

at some time in the next few days I will try to get them changed to the same. In reality the difference is so tiny that you would struggle to spot it. The main difference is that the live site is supposed to strip out some of the more outrageous pricing errors.



I have been receiving promotion mails from bmitrading/ Xpressindex, I notice the address is the same as CS. Whats all that about ? Why the need to start a new branded SB, which looking at the site is essentially the same as CS.

Any comments?

we build White label platforms for a whole series of companies. Esentially the more marketing spend and market penetration the more clients we get. Unfortunately our reach is not (yet) as great as we would like and so it suits our purposes to enlist Partners in various parts of the world (and in the UK) who can increase our appeal.
In your case the appeal has obviously fallen on fallow ground but in many cases their marketing will reach people who have never heard of us.

Thanks for the info Simon,

The only reason it has fallen on fallow ground is because I am already a happy customer of yours.
Capital Spread trade simulator

Hello Simon and T2W members, this is my first post and I have just begun to understand the basics of trading.

I decided to write to point out few things happened to me while using CS demo.
It is not a complaint: software quirks are bound to happen soon or later.

On one occasion I had three positions opened I decided to close them automatically by the end of the day using the amend option in Order Book.
The following day I notice they were not disappeared from my Order Book and not listed in my Open Position either. I could not close them since they were not opened plus I started to receive Rolling Trade e-mails charges notification.
Eventually they disappeared few days later without my intervention but not the e-mails. Few days later I called CS Customer Service and explained the problem: kindly, a lady said somebody will have a look at it and she never experienced something like it.

At the end those e-mails stopped but it did not show anywhere whether my positions were profitable or not at the end of that day when they were supposed to close automatically.

What could have happened if I was on a real account?
I would have called the following morning right away but how could I prove I set up those positions to close themselves the day before and then they run overnight completely invisible in my Open Positions screen?

Another quirk but, probably, less unique. Picture this:
X is at 1280/83 on the order.
I buy £20.00 at 1283.
Close order.
I check Open Position: £100.00 loss: X current at 1278.
The whole operation took 5 sec.
Ok the market moved against me but still 3 points spread would have been £60.00
Why there is such a big difference on charges between Futures, SB and execution only broker? What is the difference?

Thank you for your help.
trade buddha

before we put any upgrade on the live site we test it on the demo as this (from our point of view) is the best way to find any bugs. As the people who generally find a problem are clients.

An upgrade to the deal acceptance was put onto the demo platform but this for some reason affected e-mails, order initiation and one or two other minor points.

These bugs were kindly referred to us by demo account users (yourself being a case in point) and the glitches were repaired for the live platform.

Differences in a nutshell

Futures high cost / tight price/ high margin
SB low cost / slightly wider price / low margin
Execution only broker is the same as futures but with higher cost.

are there any "white label" partners not based in the UK who can accept US citizens as clients? Really irks me that US citizens can't seem to get into proper spreadbetting...

I am not aware of any SB company that will accept US citizens based in the states. There are a couple of non FSA regulated SB companies who may be willing to take US clients but I do not actually know. I think there is one in Ireland called Delta and one in Gibraltar called futures something something (i cannot remember the exact name) who may be willing. But with the current extradition laws Directors would be risking extradition to the US, as per the three Nat West bankers, over activities that are legal here but illegal there.

I realise that this is not what you want to hear but be assured if there was anyway around the regulations we would try them as to break into the US is the holy grail for the SB industry.

As with most things it will probably only be allowable in the States when a US company does it!!

Hi Simon,

Just been catching up on on the last few pages and noticed you mention a new platform being built. Will the new one also be web based or is it likely to be Java based(stand-alone or applet). Just curious as I've had some issues in the past with compatibility of Java run-times.
Also, sorry if this stirs things up, but is there likely to be an api available?


no it is unlikely to be Java Based.... It is also a long way off dont hold your breath.

api is still a bit of a nono for us at this time ...sorry

can anyone recommend a FX chart program thats in sync with capital spreads prices. I've tried Metatrader4, strategy builder and netdania and they are all out by a few pips as far as I can see. Without live charts from CS I never seem to be in line with it.