McGee's Technical Analysis of Stock Trends is about 700 pages long but well worth the time spent reading and digesting the charts.mothman said:There is a lot of TA discussion on this board - most of it over my head!. What are the best books on this subject to give someone a solid grounding.
Thanks in advance.
twiggytwo said:McGee's Technical Analysis of Stock Trends is about 700 pages long but well worth the time spent reading and digesting the charts.
I have read many books on TA and this is the absolute.
On T.A. try "computer analysis of the future markets" by C. LEBEAU &D.LUCAS.This is probably the best.mothman said:There is a lot of TA discussion on this board - most of it over my head!. What are the best books on this subject to give someone a solid grounding.
Thanks in advance.
Uncle said:There is no BEST book on trading............. much depends on how and what you intend to trade.
barthtam said:Hi Mothman
Author: John J. Murphy
Title: 'Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets'
appx £20 on amazon & worth every penny...
Jyde said:I only see it used and that for a steep £51.
dbphoenix said:Have you checked your library?