=== Secrets of Leadership ===
The new history series coming to TWO. How did an ‘aimless drifter and failed
artist’ manage to make millions follow him? 'Secrets of Leadership' takes a
timely look at how Adolf Hitler managed to make so many people carry out acts
they would normally have found abhorrent. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/
In a new series, 'Secrets of Leadership', Andrew Roberts examines the leadership styles of Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, JF Kennedy and Martin Luther King.
The series throws new light on how these four influential figures of the 20th century were able to dramatically alter the course of history.
'Hitler' will be shown on Friday 7 March, 9pm, BBC TWO.
Damn missed it! but Walden's lectures on this subject were interesting, he claimed Hitler constantly emphasised the difficulties the German people would have to face rather than the good times and used mindless repitition rather than reasoned argument to get his points across. Now would this work with todays more educated masses?...weapons of mass destruction, weapons of mass destruction............
Hitlers often took a more strategic view than those of his generals. However as the war dragged on he made increasingly poor military decisions and became even more impulsive. I suspect at this stage he was heavily influenced by Dr. Morrells drugs but of course this does not excuse his immoral decisions, attitude and actions which started well before this.
The historian AJP Taylor claims that prior to 1940 Hilter was pushed into many decisions by militaristic Prussian Generals and in fact there was no evidence of a detailed predetermined war plan!
No excuses
The new season means there's no more excuses... it's time to sort out the
garden. Bring out your fuschias, plant your lilies and prune your roses. http://www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/basics