
The saying goes. 95% are worng in the markets and only 5% are correct. Does the same rule apply to who is running you? :rolleyes:

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It does not mean your opioin is corret does in not!, Glen opinion could be correct is it not!

Your symbol Consume you it will.
A rich person is not one who has the most,
but one who needs the least .

More of the same...
laptop1 said:
The saying goes. 95% are worng in the markets and only 5% are correct. Does the same rule apply to who is running you? :rolleyes:

And still more...
What is an Avatar?

An Avatar is in incarnation of a fragment of God on Earth. Avatars that are known of in the West include, Christ, Buddha, Rama, and Krishna; but there are many others as enumerated in the Bhagavata, the story of all the major Avatars. An Avatar may be born in the home of a very pure but otherwise ordinary human mother and father. The Avatar arrives in a body that is human and mortal like others but the Avatar himself is fully aware of his complete Divinity and whatever he wills must happen. The Mahabharata and Bhagavata contain stories about the Avatar Krishna who was recognised by a few of his contemporaries as a Divine Incarnation. But most considered him their friend, enemy, or just another, if extraordinary, citizen of the community. The Avatar is born with a mission, a reason for his advent and never swerves from those goals. Avatars may accomplish tasks in miraculous ways or they may use ordinary means and instruments to accomplish their goal. The miracles, however are merely the calling card of the Divine and not the end in themselves. Those few pure souls, full of devotion, who are drawn to the Avatar may glimpse a portion of his glory and think of Him as a great saint, sage, or more rarely even recognise Him for what he is, an incarnation of the Absolute, but they are typically few in number. Powers of evil naturally oppose the powers of good, so often men of power and arrogance develop a strong hatred of divine personalities and oppose them vigorously as was the case with Christ.
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SOCS If you can write in riddles so can we, can we not!

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt. Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills, And empty holes it fills. It comes
first and follows after Ends life, kills laughter.shoo shoo mr socs, go on shoo

Consume you it will.
A rich person is not one who has the most,
but one who needs the least .

SOCS who thinks he someone, sadly he is not!. When you want to be honored
by others, you learn to honor them first do you not!
laptop1 said:
SOCS who thinks he someone, sadly he is not!. When you want to be honored
by others, you learn to honor them first do you not!
Only if they deserve it and have earned the right, and not otherwise/
Stop this bickering please Gentleman!!

All this bickering reminds me of my kids when they where younger :(

Please keep in mind>>>

So long as there is the "I" there is duality. The Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute is an ocean, within which is the pitcher 'I'. So long as there is the pitcher, the water seems to be separate - one portion is inside the pitcher and the other outside. When the pitcher breaks, there is one mass of water; and that cannot be expressed in words.
SaiBaba said:
All this bickering reminds me of my kids when they where younger :(

Please keep in mind>>>

So long as there is the "I" there is duality. The Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute is an ocean, within which is the pitcher 'I'. So long as there is the pitcher, the water seems to be separate - one portion is inside the pitcher and the other outside. When the pitcher breaks, there is one mass of water; and that cannot be expressed in words.

Hmmmmm, newbie, only two posts, both on this thread, doesn't acknowledge cut & paste sources, similar posting style to . . . . .

But hey, you decide.
A Dashing Blade said:
Hmmmmm, newbie, only two posts, both on this thread, doesn't acknowledge cut & paste sources, similar posting style to . . . . .

But hey, you decide.

I concur
Senior Member

Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 499 You put a lot of work in trying to figure out who I am.

So do tell me. I'm intrigued to who I am!

I aks again, "where is you symbol gone. did it scare you".
A rich person is not one who has the most,
but one who needs the least .

Latest today....:rolleyes: