Indeed it is difficult to please most people let alone everyone. Each to their own.
Wrt your Nonsense? ...or common sense? comment, I feel Covid19 is what it is. Our politician's response along with people is the nonsense. Locking people into houses with only one hour exercise doesn't seem so wise now when we know one is more likely to catch the bug indoors than outdoors.
Or releasing people with Covid19 out of hospitals and back to care homes without due care given to those most vulnerable.
Or allowing people into the country from infectious areas without checks until way too late. Not learning from other countries experience like Italy or Spain.
Not making masks mandatory at the start of the pandemic but doing so after stats start improving back to baseline is more nonsense imo.
Catalogue of nonsenses coming from our elected leaders, forecasters and scientists. i.e. Without any evidence stating asymptomatic transmission is still possible. What a load of tosh is that about?
One of my friends recently had a tooth ache and dentist wouldn't allow visit because of a rise in temperature. It subsequently turned out to be an abscess and so they had to endure pain and suffering simply out of Covid19 fear. GP prescribed antibiotics and they are now feeling better. I'm sure there are many more nonsense stories like that plaguing the nation.
I just find our responses have been driven by false assumptions and FEAR induced by our elected leaders avoiding risk.
Accepting the risk and building contingency would have been better than trying to avoid risk at great cost but simply kicking can down the road. Covid19 hasn't been defeated, deaths not avoided (our stats are higher than most other nations), even if we do have a vaccine much like other bugs, Covid19 will be with us for quite some time to come.
So in my book, poor leadership and much nonsense has prevailed.
I think that we are of one mind in that our government is no better than most others and sometimes /often worse. That said, as we have no cultural memory of the last Great Plague (Spanish Flu) everybody is in more or less the same boat...i.e making up the rules as we go along.
I concur that Boris is an idiot but he's in exceptionally good company around the world. It's worth remembering that in our grand Mother of Parliaments democratic system, we neither dragoon people into representing us, nor do we force others to choose them, so ultimately the road we selected led us here.
To my mind, the whole farce has and still is being managed in the absurdist tradition and in the final analysis it is up to the citizenry to make their own choices. Personally, I'm considerably diverted by the apparent mass suspension of critical faculties and disbelief. What has happened to "Don't Believe everything you read in the newspapers" / "All politicians are liars"/ "Business people are self-serving mercenaries" etc etc. ? It seems to me that the proletariat* (of the western world at least) appears to think that the fiction factory that is Social Media is a fine and reliable resource. I would have hoped that generally speaking, us trader folk, whether we be whales or minnows, have sufficient common sense not to base our trades on the dross of dubious analysts and charlatans. This is of course, completely in vain as a cursory reading of some of the threads here in this bright and beautiful forum show that a fair number of members' grasp of reality is pretty tenuous. Alack and alas, this state of affairs is reflected out there in the the real world.
I make my own decisions and choices, both here and out there. I have kept away from people for a few months, not because of a government directive but because I know how viruses in generally work and that with my long since expired Best Before date immune system, I would have to be unusually stupid to frolic with the patrons of Wetherspoon's - my chances of recovering from the virus being approximately fuck all. My remaining neurones have led me to think that keeping to myself won't do me any harm and might save my life. Rightly or wrongly, all I can say is that I'm still here.
So, this New Normal that is beginning to take shape is imho a long way from a Nazi or Stalinist model. Whether we are encouraged or forced to modify our behaviour, is neither here nor there as the ultimate arbiter has to be whether one lives or dies. As hoaxes go, we are encouraged to decide if we're in the "the government is lying and far
less than 41k people have died of it" camp or "the government is lying and far
more than 41k people have died" and that, Watson, is the biggest hoax of all. There simply is no absolute truth, or right, or wrong but a shadowy landscape of opinions and perspectives that we all have to navigate and paths we think we should tread.
The best advice I can offer is straight from trader world in the shape of the acronym DYOFR - Do Your Own Fucking Research.
* not just the proletariat but many who can read and write and have actually been to school. Gaudeamus igitur.