re post 2,437
Conspiracy theorists
Congratulations to Kaeso as he raises a key point here- ‘Conspiracy theory’,
We should also congratulate him for
not wasting his precious time presenting the weak and transparent argument that people who question the official narrative have a mental problem. Or are just bored. etc
Such worn and weary theories have been discredited so often, they barely deserve to even be called pseudo science. And he quite rightly, wasn’t going to bother making an argument at all. So it should be self evident why we need not watch the video for more than a few (wasted) seconds.
But instead, he leaves it to the ‘professional’ ‘disinfo’ ‘fact checker’ brigade to fill the space where deleted videos were removed. Videos by world re-known experts in their field who disagree with the official narrative and can explain with authority why. (hence the need to censor)
A cunning move by Kaeso no? It leaves the door open for him to tip toe quietly away from the little pile of poo that this video represents.
Whereas, to stand guard over the poo, in defence of it, rather than warn others of it’s toxicity would be an insult to the alt media who spent years researching, investigating and questioning before presenting their findings to an ever growing audience of critical thinking rational human beings. People who knew the mainstream were not informing them of the whole picture. Simple supply and demand.
To support the gatekeepers in their deception would also be an insult to the majority of expert opinion who disagree with fascism. Some of whom are imprisoned because their opinion 'Represents a real threat to our democracy’
The truth does not need an army of agents to protect it from investigation. Lies do.
But this is only one side of so called conspiracy theory.
The real conspiracy theorists
The real conspiracy theorists are those that believe, with not a shred of proof anywhere, that there is a deadly virus that they need to be protected from.
How do they know? Apparently, some tell tale liars told them what to think.
So devout are the unthinkers in their conspiracy theory, they demand that you be protected too.
They demand that
you must become a conspiracy theorist .
They demand that
you be complicit in the deletion of
everybody's’ freedom
They demand that
you join
their bizarre and ‘mandatory’ satanic mask wearing ritual
They demand that
you comply with
their anti human distancing and self imprisonment.
They demand that
you stay silent while
the liars do all the talking
They demand that
you play a part in
their destruction of civilised society.
They live in fear of a flu virus because it was given a big scary name and sheep are easily scared.
A virus that only exists in the minds of the very people who will directly profit from it
A virus that merely serves as a blatant and transparent attempt to install a New World Order; currently titled ‘New Normal’.
In the past, it was enough to politely close the door to Jehovah's Witnesses and they would just try next door
The new witnesses want to
break down your door without a warrant and steal your children so they can ‘save them’ with their toxic vaccines.
Facts Don’t matter to conspiracy theorists
Like typical conspiracy theorists, the ones they dIslike so much, no amount of facts persuade them of their cognitive dissonance and naive gullibility.
While they never hesitate for one second to insult and attempt to ridicule the ‘non believer’ they won’t like it when the tables are turned and they are shown to be wrong. They will tip toe away from their gullibility and complicity. Conspiracy theorists are never wrong in a post fact world.
They believed masses were dying even when they were shown empty hospitals
They believed the NHS could not cope.
They believed that front line staff were dying of the flu, even as they watched fat arsed nurses twerking on tic toc
Their response was to take part in another satanic ritual- clapping like gormless seals in a virtue signalling contest while carefully noting the non compliers.
As the
smoke the conspiracy theorists rely on is blown away to reveal the traitors to humanity
and their useful idiots reflected in the
mirrors, they double down with casual insults and snide humour here.
The fact that the world is rapidly crumbling around them only seems to deepen their resolve to hasten it’s demise by meekly complying, instead of standing against the sheer evil that caused it.
I don’t want the conspiracy theorists to wake up. I want them to go back to sleep. The 1% want us fighting on 2 fronts while they get away with everything they planned.
Don’t let them