Appeal to all members of Trade 2 Win


Junior member
Good Afternoon,

I am an ambitious, experienced and driven young man wishing to obtain a trainee position within the Financial Services Industry.

I have over 4 years experience, progressing quickly through key management positions within the Construction Industry. This has allowed me to develop and enhance a skill set ideal for a front office position.

Over the past 2 weeks I have been sending out personalised Cover Letters and C.V.s to various department heads at Financial service companies, however I wish to spread my net even further by calling on the help of members of T2W.

As a naturally inquisitive person, I feel my best approach in becoming a successful Trader/Broker is to achieve an entry level position at a company. That way I can observe and learn from people 'in the thick of it', coupled with my own studies, drive and curiosity, I can then become a valued member of the company and hopefully begin to contribute something of value on this forum.

I have attached my C.V. for anyone who may be aware of any such positions available. All I need is the name of the company and the person responsible for the position, I will do the rest of the groundwork.

Thank you all in advance.


Cormac O'Mullan

* I have removed my contact details from the C.V. if you wish to contact me, send a private message on this site and I will respond within 2 hours. *
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Have you dabbled at all? It's all well and good saying you're interested but have you done anything?
Have you actually applied for any specific jobs, as opposed to sending your CV off to people?
Yes, slightly with FX got burned so back to learning all I can. I am on the road a lot with my current job (start at 6am home at 10pm) so I do not have access to the internet other than through my phone during the day therefore have not been able to trade since I started. I also work Saturdays so some Saturday evenings and Sundays are the only time I get to devote to study.

I already know that if I really want to trade, do it myself etc. That is achievable for people with 9-5 jobs or a computer in front of them all day as well as be able to afford to trade on principle after testing strategies with 'play' money, this is not possible in my current situation.

All I am asking is a position with a very modest income, within the industry, so I can observe, then analyse and learn from what I have seen/heard throughout the day as well as try out my own strategies in the evenings. I do not care if it is making cups of tea all day as long as there is the potential to learn and avail of opportunities to become more successful.

Tough love time...

You will not get very far with this approach.

No prospective employer, anywhere in the world, actually cares at all what you want.

What they care about is what you can do for them. Based on your post - you seem to think "will eventually be useful" is an attractive offer to them.

They care about specifics. They care about results.

Saying "skill set ideal for a front office position" - is a totally empty statement of non information. It is generic. Tell you what, put in "Reading" as one of your hobbies on your resume and you'll certainly get the job. Genric = baaaad.

Be specific - if you have a skill - tell them what it is and why it would be useful in as few words as possible.

Finally, People (like me, sadly) that have to recruit get thousands of applications. I don't even act as first filter to any post I get - that's the dubious honor of my secretary. In larger companies, letters like this go straight to the big black hole that is Human Resources. It is quite possible that your letter isn't even being read by the intended recipient. Your average CEO won't even be answering his own email before his secretary has filtered it out.

So - please - no more of this nonsense:

"All I am asking is a position with a very modest income, within the industry, so I can observe, then analyse and learn from what I have seen/heard throughout "

Because no-one cares what you want. There's too much "I" in that sentence and not enough "I can...". It sounds like you want them to pay you to watch other people work for heaven's sake.

Do research. Find the CEOs names. Find their home addresses. Call up and ask for him and chat up his 'gatekeeper'
Yes, advertised opportunities are very limited.

I disagree, check over at efinancials. Hell, upload a cv, then you can apply for a job in seconds, go nuts.

I disagree with DT on finding home adresses etc, I'm of the opinion that that just pisses people off, as opposed to showing drive or whatever, BUT, I do suggest you find out where DT lives and go sit outside for months whining at him :cheesy:
Hotch - when I mentioned home address etc - I was talking about having a individual plan of approach for every company you apply to, part of which would be contacting the CEO somehow.

I was NOT referring to staking the fncking guys house out.

You only have to contact the guy once. Not engage in a stalking campaign.
Hotch - when I mentioned home address etc - I was talking about having a individual plan of approach for every company you apply to, part of which would be contacting the CEO somehow.

I was NOT referring to staking the fncking guys house out.

You only have to contact the guy once. Not engage in a stalking campaign.

Oops, apologies, shattered, only half comprehending stuff atm.

Tough love time...

You will not get very far with this approach.

No prospective employer, anywhere in the world, actually cares at all what you want.

What they care about is what you can do for them. Based on your post - you seem to think "will eventually be useful" is an attractive offer to them.

They care about specifics. They care about results.

Saying "skill set ideal for a front office position" - is a totally empty statement of non information. It is generic. Tell you what, put in "Reading" as one of your hobbies on your resume and you'll certainly get the job. Genric = baaaad.

Be specific - if you have a skill - tell them what it is and why it would be useful in as few words as possible.

Finally, People (like me, sadly) that have to recruit get thousands of applications. I don't even act as first filter to any post I get - that's the dubious honor of my secretary. In larger companies, letters like this go straight to the big black hole that is Human Resources. It is quite possible that your letter isn't even being read by the intended recipient. Your average CEO won't even be answering his own email before his secretary has filtered it out.

So - please - no more of this nonsense:

"All I am asking is a position with a very modest income, within the industry, so I can observe, then analyse and learn from what I have seen/heard throughout "

Because no-one cares what you want. There's too much "I" in that sentence and not enough "I can...". It sounds like you want them to pay you to watch other people work for heaven's sake.

Do research. Find the CEOs names. Find their home addresses. Call up and ask for him and chat up his 'gatekeeper'

"All I need is the name of the company and the person responsible for the position, I will do the rest of the groundwork."

This is part of my research - appealing to members of this site.

I have been carrying out research on CEOs, Head Traders etc. findng names, company addresses.

Any time Im in London I am down the city knocking company doors, but I will not begin to start camping outside their homes, that will not get me a job, maybe a restraining order.

I am asking If anyone knows of a trainee position so I can apply for it and increase my knowledge (hence the trainee part) THEN I can be a valued employee making money for them.

Everyone has to learn how to do something before they get it right - unless DT by some miracle of genetic science you have been delivered from the womb with the wisdom and ability to become a successful trader I think you should understand this.

Have you even taken the time to read my C.V. before you launched on your tirade to try an put me in my place?

If you did you can see that

I can sell
I can manage
I can deal with high pressure and achieve results
I can improvise, adapt and improve
I can get results and I work my b*****ks off to do so.
I WILL get a job and whoever it is for I am positive I WILL make them a lot of money.

DT I thank you for your input.
I disagree, check over at efinancials. Hell, upload a cv, then you can apply for a job in seconds, go nuts.

I disagree with DT on finding home adresses etc, I'm of the opinion that that just pisses people off, as opposed to showing drive or whatever, BUT, I do suggest you find out where DT lives and go sit outside for months whining at him :cheesy:

Have checked and applied for all jobs listed at efinancials, city jobs etc and uploaded a CV.
Hi comullan,
Welcome to T2W!

If you haven't seen it already - take a gander at this FAQ:
How Do I get a Job Trading?

If you're going to edit your CV along the lines suggested by DT and others, I recommend cutting it in length. Every single word has got to count - there's no room for padding or waffle. Additionally, while it's reasonably well laid out - visually it's rather dull. It looks like you've bashed it out in MS Word or something similar. Make it stand out - make the recipient want to read it! Easier said than done so, unless you're very confident of your graphic design skills - don't attempt to do this yourself - get someone else to do it for you. Also, unless you look like the elephant man, or you've got a spiders web tatoo all over your face - consider including a pic of yourself. But only if it's good!
Good luck!
Hi comullan,
Welcome to T2W!

If you haven't seen it already - take a gander at this FAQ:
How Do I get a Job Trading?

If you're going to edit your CV along the lines suggested by DT and others, I recommend cutting it in length. Every single word has got to count - there's no room for padding or waffle. Additionally, while it's reasonably well laid out - visually it's rather dull. It looks like you've bashed it out in MS Word or something similar. Make it stand out - make the recipient want to read it! Easier said than done so, unless you're very confident of your graphic design skills - don't attempt to do this yourself - get someone else to do it for you. Also, unless you look like the elephant man, or you've got a spiders web tatoo all over your face - consider including a pic of yourself. But only if it's good!
Good luck!

Thank you Tim
I appreciate you are making the effort, but I think you have some rose tinted view of how it is to work in finance /the city. You area bit over enthusiastic for something you' seem to have very little real idea of as a daily grind.

First, much of it, most of it in fact, is not about trading, even in a hardcore trading firm plenty of other operational back office, legal compliance activities take place. These can all be relatively, or even very well paid, but in any of these depts you are still far far from being near a trader to learn to trade for a living.

Second, most trading that takes place is fulfilling client orders of one sort or another. The City survives off commissions and fees. 97% of profit earners in the city could not survive if they did not have client orders to scrape a profit from. There are very very few who know how to and can back their own trading ideas to make money. And fewer still are allowed to do so by their firms. Maybe getting in a hedge fund might give you an idea of how to trade but they are such varied creatures its hard to generalise. Your chances of getting near a prop desk are very slim indeed just on basic numbers.
The bottom line, as I see it is that working in finance is a people business. So take your time to get out there and talk to whoever you can ( OK, I See you are trying to!).
But see it for what it is. Its a job that people do cos it earns them good money. Few love it for very long.They just want the money. Fewer can work in the city and learn to make a good consistent buck out of the markets off their own back. Its just two different things.
Reread DT's posts too.
Look up efinancialcareers and then try to speak to some of the recritment consultants offering jobs. They like to talk and will give a you good appraisal of what is out there for you.

Sorry if any of it came over negative, I'm not saying don't go for it - on the plus side you ares still far from too old to change careers and you are good at maths!!.

Try here - they have a email address for CVs. I've no idea who they are but they trade.

Dont pay anyone any money for anything job or trading related.
Thank you for your comments Glyder.

You have been extremely informative and helpful I will definitely keep trying. Negative is not a problem it lets me know where I am going wrong and how to improve.

Everyones comments have been extremely useful so thanks to you all for taking the time to read my post and reply.
Having directed businesses which of corse involves employing, i'd say that Cormacs approach was in fact quite professional, he's just doing what he can to get to where he wants.. he ticks all the boxes saying he will make the employer money, and that he wants to work his ass off, and that he has improved other businesses etc.. I don't see why he is getting stick. Cormac if my business sector was FSI i'd give you a chance. Something i have found to be so true in life 'if you don't ask then you don't get'

But when you do get hold of the contacts don't make it sound like an appeal, although im sure you already know this.

Good luck, based on what i have read you have the ability to succeed in any way you want.

Having directed businesses which of corse involves employing, i'd say that Cormacs approach was in fact quite professional

really? professional in his approach in trying to get a front office / trading job?.......

versus all those MSc Fin Maths /CFA /Stats / c++ developers / multi lingual candidates (many trader wannabies have all of these qualis) who are currently unemployed? not saying he cannot be a good trader, just that there's a squillion more ppl out there more employable going for similar positions / opportunities, and have know doubt used better methods of marketing (e.g. offering free labour rather than asking for a reasonable salary!!! he really has done zero research, fairly unprofessional imo).

his most feasible path imo (and what so many have said here before) is to save some cash (c£5k?) and learn as much as poss through forums / books etc then:
1. trade on own SB acct and if successful take PnL to prop house with aim to take you on
2. use saved money to deposit with prop house and trade under them from the start (most offer grad course you can go on for free)

also fwiw.....
perhaps stop using the "i can" phrase. there's thousands of middle office investment bank employees (globally - geography is not a limiter) who strive for years for the opportunity to work front office (FO) and who have all the "i can" skills (plus much more than you) mentioned here, and the other slightly more important one which every FO employer looks at.....exposure to the FO (no matter how right or wrong this is), yet they fail to get their dream trader job. seems a little ignorant to think one can bypass them with a disclaimer that you "can".......nws, will pass this off as naivity.

alternatively brown nose your way in which is how the other half do it.

gl to comullan in his endeavours.