An Interview with Simon Denham


Active member
For those that miss the times that Simon from Capital Spreads was on here, you may like this interview split between numerous different videos:

I did check if it was posted already, but I couldn't find it.

Can't dispute most of the things said, though he does seem to dismiss TA quite a lot. Liked his story of a successful FX trader who flipped a coin to decide whether he's a buyer or seller. Makes sense because he still ran profits, cut losses, and used logical stops.
Thank you good sir! T'was a very interesting interview indeed, which I must finish watching later.

For the meantime, it was very interesting to hear his confirmation that, in his firm, 20% of clients are consistently profitable. This figure very much aligns with the evidence from other sources.

Even more interesting was his assertion (which he may have stated here in earlier times) that (even if one in five are profitable) 65% of trades through London capital group by its clients, are... yes... profitable.

But if most trades are profitable then why do 4/5 lose?

Alas, welcome aboard the classic trading blunder whereby a significant number of losing clients let their losses grow large, while taking lots of small profits - which naturally add up to nowhere near the sum of their larger losses. Human all too human...
For those that miss the times that Simon from Capital Spreads was on here, you may like this interview split between numerous different videos:

I did check if it was posted already, but I couldn't find it.

Can't dispute most of the things said, though he does seem to dismiss TA quite a lot. Liked his story of a successful FX trader who flipped a coin to decide whether he's a buyer or seller. Makes sense because he still ran profits, cut losses, and used logical stops.

He didn't talk about the part where LCG went from being a £120M company to being a £12M company.

I have still not managed to employ any ex-LCG employee that I have been happy with. I've employed ex IG, ETX, Cantor Index, City Index, GKFX, UFX and IronFX that have been ok but anyone I've had from cap spreads has been shown the door by me within 6 months. strange.
He didn't talk about the part where LCG went from being a £120M company to being a £12M company.

I have still not managed to employ any ex-LCG employee that I have been happy with. I've employed ex IG, ETX, Cantor Index, City Index, GKFX, UFX and IronFX that have been ok but anyone I've had from cap spreads has been shown the door by me within 6 months. strange.

Stock market valuation of a company has nothing to do with how customers trade. Besides, they are still better than most of the new coming cfd and spread betting brokers.

I guess they manage to keep the best employees and show the door quick to some as well :clap:
For those that miss the times that Simon from Capital Spreads was on here, you may like this interview split between numerous different videos:

I did check if it was posted already, but I couldn't find it.

I recently found that interview as well, and thought it was very good.
Quite a few other good ones on that channel "UKspreadbetting", which is from the people behind