All Hell is about to break loose

This is looking like a real struggle now... We will see how things go but I think we are watching something that has never been seen before... Which side will you be on??? I think this is important stuff... I am on team Jesus...
And as for you Postman... You have been very critical of me and even sarcastic
Me ... sarcastic? I dont know what you mean.

Cant believe this lunatic is still posting here. Another 'End of the world is nigh' prophet who's not showing a profit. (You see what I did there 😜).
The Euro is very close to 1.2170 again and as bad as Biden is I don't think the Euro will ever see 1.2170 again. The European Union is a joke and it is coming apart at the seems right now. I hate it for all of the good people there but it is bad over there right now... Much worse than will be reported...
There is a very real struggle right now between working people like me and the 1 percent people... They think we are are stupid and they think of us as cattle...
I go to work 5 or 6 days a week and earn my pay and I sleep good every night. I never want anything I don't earn...
It is the working class against the one percent people...It is amazing to me that they will do anything to take our money...When I first started trading then I could take opposite positions if I made a wrong trade and wanted to hedge it. The government decide that professional traders could still do that but individual private traders could not...
The only way we can win is if we are smarter than them and trade better at a big disadvantage.
Here comes the globalist blitz tonight... I reckon that this whole false global recovery is a sham and it is like one big snowball... The farther you push it up the hill the bigger it becomes and the bigger it falls...
I have been seeing cracks in this for 6 or 8 months now and the cracks are getting more connected...
People are ridiculing me here but I believe that most people here are smarter than average... I have posted my thoughts to try and help people think... I am not always on fact I am always early... I will say right now that the federal government is way to big and way to powerful and they will never accomplish their goal of centralization in this country... Some us just want to be left alone to live our lives and pursue our own happiness...
I almost feel sorry for you guys but not..You don't even know what's coming... We are the 99 percent and we will not be denied..
A million actual factual reasons why the market is in great shape.

Don't be afraid of the bogyman.