9/11 short sellers

did they ever find out who shorted big time the day before 9/11 ?

Well Gordon Brown, Alastair (pour the tea) Darling, Fred (brain dead) Goodwin and all the others weren't "clever" enough. Probably Iran and its proxies, hamas, hizbollah, LeT, but mainly AQ
Well Gordon Brown, Alastair (pour the tea) Darling, Fred (brain dead) Goodwin and all the others weren't "clever" enough. Probably Iran and its proxies, hamas, hizbollah, LeT, but mainly AQ

Iran Hamas Hizboallah dont know about 9/11 b4 it happened , and AQ cannot make stocks drop that much , someone else did it !
Well Gordon Brown, Alastair (pour the tea) Darling, Fred (brain dead) Goodwin and all the others weren't "clever" enough. Probably Iran and its proxies, hamas, hizbollah, LeT, but mainly AQ


Can't say I agree with that opinion. The state of the West Bank is a direct indicator of Hamas' finances. Not sure about Hizbollah. They definately have a link to the proper Al Queada (if such an organisation actually does exist) and are basically branches of one mass movement in terrorism eith on the basis of either retribution or an extreme form of "islamic" fundamentalism. Chances are the activities of these organisation suit the political interests of personal beliefs of most currently active Iranian officials. I'd say the most likely source of funding for these orgs and/or the militia activity that is inevitably linked in with these groups Iranian oil money, Afghani heroin production and Russia.

I'd say that IB's/hedge funds with high liquidity and quite a bit of political pull (i.e. getting news before announcements) that were based in or near the WTC were in the best position to benefit from the attack. Probably by operating through their overseas offices within a matter of minutes of the attacks.

Thats my take anyway.
Iran Hamas Hizboallah dont know about 9/11 b4 it happened , and AQ cannot make stocks drop that much , someone else did it !

The 9/11 attacks were a direct assualt on both America and western capitalism on a whole. They knew what would happen to the world markets. You have to remember that these Al-Queda and Tailban people are hardened war veterans who have successfully repelled Russian forces through a combination of strategy and guerilla warefare. They are by no means a simple bunch of bearded madmen with AK47s.
The 9/11 attacks were a direct assualt on both America and western capitalism on a whole. They knew what would happen to the world markets. You have to remember that these Al-Queda and Tailban people are hardened war veterans who have successfully repelled Russian forces through a combination of strategy and guerilla warefare. They are by no means a simple bunch of bearded madmen with AK47s.

ok , but Al Q cannot make stocks drop by short selling , they dont have that liquidity to do so ...
ok , but Al Q cannot make stocks drop by short selling , they dont have that liquidity to do so ...

Questionable. Depends on who you class as Al-Queda. The ground soldiers and individual cells maybe not but the major organisation who knows. Whoever bank rolls their legitimate operations may have that kind of liquidity. Their goal could have been the exposing the fragility of the financial systems. If it was they failed due Gov/Murdoch propaganda in news etc. The every man was left not knowing exactly what was going on.

To be honest I doubt they set out to do that anyway. I think If it was anyone it ws vampire CEOs who wanted a quick shilling or Rothschildesqe IBs who wanted quick cash and jumped on the opportunity to put some people out of business and/or used their funds and hundreds of subsidiaries to quietly kick off a selling rally with the intention of buying in at a later date thus increasing their global interests. More global flex more money to be made.

As you can tell I'm obviously a bit of a conspiricy buff lol.
these Al-Queda and Tailban people - are by no means a simple bunch of bearded madmen with AK47s.

You're right there, there is an Afghanistan guy round our way and he's got himself an ice cream van...:-0
Does he look like the type to launder money for international terrorist activities?

I've been keeping him under close observation and have come to the conclusion that his penny mixtures are way too cheap for him to profit from so I have to conclude that he must be laundering money through his business venture.

Should I report my suspicions to the authorities or blackmail him for free '99 cones?
Other Questions you may ask that are easier to answer are;
Why did Dick Cheney state in 2006 'We've never made the case, or argued the case, that somehow Osama Bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11', which may answer why the FBI most wanted list has never listed "Osama Bin Laden" AKA Tim Osman as ever having been involved in 911?
Why are 6/19 suicide hijackers still alive, including Mohammed Atta?
How did they find an intact passport from one of the hijackers that was in the plane hit the WTC's, when they could barely recover human remains?
Why did American Airlines state that the planes that hit WTC1 and 2 were not scheduled to fly that day?
How did 2 LIVE TV stations predict that WTC7 (which was never hit by a plane) would collapse more than a 1/2 hour prior to its actually collapse/demolition time. Whoever forwarded the message that the building had collapsed knew who was doing what when?
Why were there pools of Molten Steel up to 1 month after the collapse, and laden with sulphur, characteristic of the use of Thermate.
Why was NORAD ordeered to stand down under the command of Dick Cheney, as stated by Transport minister Minetta?
Why did Condolleza Rice say they had no idea they would use planes, but were practicing war games, that day and 2 years prior to be "prepared" for such an attack?
Why do secret service agencies just happen to be training for the events prior to their occurence, eg london bombings?
Why is Bin Laden right handed in the video the CIA magically found, when the FBI states he is left handed? Why does Bin Laden look different in every video?
Why did Larry Silverstein take out insurance against Terrorist attacks 6 weeks prior to 911. Why did ONLY HIS buildings get demolished, including WTC7?
The reality is that "Al Quaeda" is the name of the CIA database of its "Assets" in Afghanistant that it used against the russians. This is documented fact, unlike the MASS MEDIA hype that invented "Al Quaeda" as you know it today. The propoganda used to support war spending on terrorism and the effect it has on your eroded personal freedoms is staggering...
Why was H5N1 bird flue vaccine mixed with Flu vaccine and distributed to 18 countries and 5000 laboratories by BAXTER International? Why is it not on the news considering this is the true pandemic which has been estimated to kill 100 million + per continent????
Why was the white anthrax powder found at the white house have its roots back to a US airbase lab.
Why did 2 of the "terrorists" have addresses on US airbases?
How did these terrorists that were drunk the night before, and used copious amounts of cocaine regularly..plan such a hesit and get the WHITE HOUSE CODES to ensure they were not shot down whilst the planes did amazing acrobatics in restricted airspace.
Why does the latest pentagon video show no plane..again??
and finally WHY cant they track some simple SELL trades on this global interconnected, fully monitored resource we call the internet. Because they dont want to....
Too many conspiracy theories, but members of Al-Qaeda and contacts would certainly have enough money to make the stock markets drop. The Bin Laden family itself are all multi-millionaries, with a company dealing in billion dollar deals. I'm sure there are plenty of contacts too within an organisation like Al-Qaeda who would have available money. It might not take as much as you'd think to move the market. You'd only need to make it blow through a support level, and then how many other traders who knew nothing about 9/11 would jump in? How many more would jump in on the retrace to that level? A lot of people will jump on the ride. And it might have been moving in that direction anyway. As for the 1st question, yes I think they did use that information of short selling to direct them towards suspects. I remember reading that somewhere respectable.