Recent content by compoundup

  1. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    Works for me just stick in the Symbol you are looking for Edward
  2. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    I'm using 3 15" tfts at 1024 x 768 driven off a Parhelia 128MB card (Matrox) In eSignal to highlight MMs, right click over the level 2 screen and select "Market Makers..." you can then change highlighted colours. This directly affects the associated T&S display. I like it in a light colour...
  3. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    LOL That's what you get for trying to use a free web-hosting service :) try this link in stead (link deleted for security - if you can't get the picure on the geocities site from above then pm me please) Edward
  4. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    If you like ideas for trading screen layouts here's mine - if you're not on broadband don't look - it's full size 3072 x 768 I have scanners and newsfeeds on 2 other screens Edward P.S. Trades on the bid show bright red on the T&S...
  5. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    I second Dave's comment about Level 2. I approached trading with a chartist's view, and training one-to-one with Richard (Mr Charts) over 2 years ago. I wouldn't attempt to trade without Level 2. I think Richard who is primarily a chartist wouldn't trade without level 2 either. You just...
  6. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    Thanks again Dave, I'll check it out. I'm bond to say that I'm very happy with IB - cheap and pretty reliable - and eSignal charts/L2 with IB's order ticket API. eSignal is not cheap but it works well and it is a case of "better the devil you know" for me at this stage. I think Naz uses...
  7. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    Thanks Dave, I am using direct market access through Interactive Brokers (and smart-routing), so it is not quite the same scenario as you are suggesting. For me it is more of an irritation than a problem. I don't doubt that when a stock becomes harder to borrow than usual it is the dma traders...
  8. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    Tried to short RIMM at one stage yesterday but was blocked by a hard-to-borrow message. Interesting that such a high volume heavily traded stock can get into such a situation. The recent Blackberry-related patent news must have caused some institutional holders to recall stock with a view to...
  9. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    ...and if you have a subscription to it is here blow-by-blow:
  10. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    Watch out for Pfizer (PFE) patent challenge decision today in London due at 2pm BST - could shift price significantly.
  11. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    "Nothing ventured..." Thanks for the heads-up Tim Edward
  12. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    Nice work boy. Wasn't at my desk when it came back :(
  13. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    I too missed it. How long before it starts trading again?
  14. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    Thanks Richard, Troublesome though an outage can be, its comforting to know that the problem isn't confined to one's own workstation. The problem took away my initiative and I chose not to try and get going again in case of reoccurrence. Up until 3pm, I had only managed a couple of momentum...
  15. C

    Best Thread US day traders thread.

    IB TWS went down just after 3pm here - anyone else having a problem? Luckily not in a trade at the time. Rare event in my experience.