TheBramble said:
So this persona, looking on from a detached perspective AT the person in front of the trading screen has no emotion, is fluid and immediate in their internal decision making and physical response (which is pre-instantaneous), cares not a jot about anything, is relaxed, calm and possesses complete clarity of thought, is totally uncaring of result or cause-effect, immune to distraction and comfortable and secure in the knowledge that comfort and secuirity are not its concern.
There is a term in cognitive psychology which covers this - dissociation (or disassociation if you're form over the pond).
This is a technique (or perhaps better phrased as a perspective) which is used to help people overcome phobias and trauma associated with significant emotional events in their lives.
It comes as no surprise that this approach would serve equally well in establishing a trading persona.
So, just to make sure we've got the checklist for the TP right:-
You observe yourself as an objective 3rd party looking at the physical you in front of the trading screen.
You 'operate' the physical you.
You have no emotion - no expectation of any specific outcome.
You are fluid and immediate in your internal decision making and physical response (which is pre-instantaneous)
You care not a jot about anything
You are relaxed, calm and possess complete clarity of thought
You are totally insouciant of result or any contrived cause-effect
You are immune to distraction and comfortable and secure in the knowledge that comfort and security are not your concern
With a tick against all these aspects in place, and an ability to hold these facets in place at will and for as long as is required (holding the attitude?) - what next?
This afternoon has been a very busy one and I apologise for interruptions owing to market action, which has been superb, and it is not over but it has been a very long day. Let me continue with this.
As I said earlier in reply to this post, what is described in the posts preceding this one above is purely a mechanical reponse, I may add, to what is mechanical input. This is perfectly alright and comes from the ability to read a chart and act accordingly to what is unfolding in real time. This is conventional text book trading.
Its constraints involve using a strict methodology to enter and monitor trades and without forgetting stop losses, and to execute exits not forgetting stop removal. Perfect. No problem with this , although even at this level many people find difficulty handling themselves, let alone what is laid in front of them.
Those who are disciplined and self governing succeed and those who are not fail. The batttle they face has nothing to do with unfolding events, but everything to do with themselves, how they view themselves at this, and how they handle themselves when they are in it.
What you discuss above involves qualities so far removed from what is conventional as to be practically alien, because in the first instance the individual has to have a complete and totally intimate grasp of what is a grand unified theorem of how it is that all of this fits together.
People are averse to doing the quantity and quality of work required to achieve this.
They will pretend to have the desire to do so, but, when faced with the cliff they have to climb that appears to disappear into cloud and has no apparent end, give up, because they do not perceive this to be necessary.
They abstractly convince themselves that it is not necessary and in consequence of this do not push the envelope: In consequence of not pushing the envelope they do not progress, as for them to push requires effort, that they pretend they are disposed to put in, but the reality is that they are not interested in effort, they are only interested in results. Results do not come to those who do not earn the right to have them.
What happens next, as I have said before, is that some shortcut is sought that will exonerate the aspirant from having to undergo what is percieved as an unnecessary, tedious, laborious, irrelevant, exhaustingly long odessey.
As there are lots of temptations that appear as glittering shortcuts that make the above look daft, they immediately stampede in favour of what they erroneously percieve to be a quick, painless, efficient, tailormade solutions to enable them to scoop up bucketfuls of money quickly. You know, "just like that !", as the late Tommy Cooper used to say.
Bang ! They run straight into ambush after ambush and get either severely wounded or killed. Now whose fault is that ? The bucket holders are going to protect their buckets. They are not willingly going to share the contents of their buckets with anyone just because there are lots of buckets around. The aspirants have to show and prove they are worthy of being admitted as equals in the bucket game. Anyone who is not up to it is given short shrift and worse.
However, those who remain within a mechanical methodology and are able to submit and work with it and use stops and not tank and act responsibly can and do succeed.
This brings me full circle to what you discuss in your post. Comfort and Security is what everyone seeks first and persists in seeking by trying to bend the system to give this. The system is not there to give the audience what it wants ~ it is there to give what the system wants. And the system gives what it wants and deems appropriate despite squeals and howls to which the "system" is impassive.
The system however, will allow a method to be applied to it, and, provided it is the correct method and in harmony with what is going on, only then is success within reach and then only when conditions allow,being the right conditions, that is.
If all of this is not recognised, no amount of forcing wil produce desired results. It is therfore a matter of awareness, and recognition of awareness. Sadly and unfortunately what happens is that all of us are the product of our own life experiences. I say this because the life experiences of many people are not necessarily their direct fault. Much of it is due to circumstances beyond their control. All the formative bits take place at an early age.
This is because as I have begun to explain elsewhere on this thread as a consequence of living life itself, we undergo a process of maturing. One of the effects of this is a process of this of course is the aquisition of experience. This is a two edged sword. I will explain why.
The HP, as a consequence of gaining experience undergoes a process. In this process there is a price to pay. The price is that the HP becomes more and more "armoured". It is able to recognise more and more variations of what it perceives to be a threat to life.
This is whether these threats are real or imagined, that is real or perceived.
In consequence of this, the defence mechanism develops very sophisticated early warning systems, alarms, protective responses, and all sorts of protocols most of which are booby trapped to prevent tampering and nearly all of them operating at a subconsious level.
This makes any approach to develop a TP difficult in a normally armoured HP, very difficult in a heavily armoured HP but easier in a more lightly armoured HP. The degree of armouring is also relevant to childhood. Children that are "shut down" at an early age by bullying or insensitive parents develop truly formidable armouring in adulthood.
It is this armouring that prevents the development of a TP alongside a HP which is heavily armoured, because as I have earlier discussed the HP views any attempt to create a TP as a threat to life, and therefore will do what it can to stop it by whatever means.Therefore, the mission is to create a TP "under the nose" of the HP without allowing the HP to realise what is going on ~ otherwise the HP will promptly stop all progress.
This is like escaping from a prison. A route has to be found that beats the intent of the warders, and of the construction and design of the prison itself to prevent escape. There is always a weak spot the determined escapee always finds a way. YOU have to do the same with this. You have to find a route that does not alert your HP as to what you are up to. You must choose areas in which to operate this plan in which your HP has no experience, no knowledge, no cognizance, no ability to recognise, and therefore unable to trigger off alarms and preventative measures.
The above is the mission because tho objective is the creation of the TP alongside the HP and independent of it, not dependent upon it as you describe. This process is called Bifurcation, whereas what you are talking about which is dissociation(or disassociation) is not the solution. Bifurcation is a choice executed at a junction whereas dissociation is a sort of motorbike and sidecar solution that is not efficient. This is because the HP is waiting to intervene and alert to any opportunity to jump in when the mode is in any way part of the HP.
This is negated when the TP is completely independent of the HP.