Performance Level Of An Exceptional Trader

they prolly done it on purpose u know, the CIA prolly got spies in.

Thanks for the info - now it makes sense:

March 7, 2008, 1:42 p.m. EST

New 'super-spike' might mean $200 a barrel oil
Goldman's projections foretell persistent turbulence in energy prices


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Why is grabbing all that money from the Libyans considered poor performance ? If you can grab as much as that legally, wouldn't you be laughing ?

What if that was YOUR money they were grabbing legally? THEN I'd be laughing.

Why is grabbing all that money from the Libyans considered poor performance ? If you can grab as much as that legally, wouldn't you be laughing ?

Actually they didn't grab it - they lost it (98% of it). Do you think that's a good performance?
Actually they didn't grab it - they lost it (98% of it). Do you think that's a good performance?

Did they lose it in their back pocket ? Have you considered why all Libyan investments lost money. Was it bad luck or just coincidence ? Have you considered why the Libyans will lose their oil as well as the gold stash they have ?
Did they lose it in their back pocket ? Have you considered why all Libyan investments lost money. Was it bad luck or just coincidence ? Have you considered why the Libyans will lose their oil as well as the gold stash they have ?

Can't see the logic behind it - after all they will need to compensate for the losses. Also other potential customers may be discouraged by the poor performance.
Can't see the logic behind it - after all they will need to compensate for the losses. Also other potential customers may be discouraged by the poor performance.

Perhaps potential customers can see they are not the intended target and therefore their money is safe.

I don't know the details. How will the Libyans be compensated for their loss. Maybe they won't be compensated but be quoted the small print that says investments can go up as well as down. Further you may lose more than you started with.
Maybe they have lost their faith a bit since that $200 a barrel prediction.

If they are one of the few games in town, it really doesn't matter if what they say is wrong. People have nowhere else to put their money.
If they are one of the few games in town, it really doesn't matter if what they say is wrong. People have nowhere else to put their money.

Oh Joe! If only you had put half a tank of petrol in your Scooter, that $200 a barrel prediction would have come true!
Oh Joe! If only you had put half a tank of petrol in your Scooter, that $200 a barrel prediction would have come true!

Well Goldman made what was the right decision for themselves. They had a whole load of oil contracts to unload. So the easiest thing for them to do was to tell people it was going to $200. People jumped in and they unloaded. If people lost money from that, it was their own fault for being taken in.
Well Goldman made what was the right decision for themselves. They had a whole load of oil contracts to unload. So the easiest thing for them to do was to tell people it was going to $200. People jumped in and they unloaded. If people lost money from that, it was their own fault for being taken in.

well, prolly, yes, this is what they mostly did. Time will tell now that there "principal" bit from HK improves the performance of their research who knows (infact, lol, Hu deffo DONT know LOLOLOLOLOL)

rite basic this: u dont lose 98% by accident with proper trading. just dont. now I am deff not one of these tin hat conspiracy types, deffo not, but, like... the US intelligence will have known about Libya problems long before rest of world did (well, other spies mite habe knows like the italians, but like normal people im talkin bout). NEway,. u r a spy for CIA and ur source is like "gadaffi is luvin it hes got loadsa oil money and hes gonna spend it on guns and make libya one of nearest rogue states near europe and kill loads and stiff as well".

Now, u can either go - Huh - ok, we won't buy his oil, that'll learn him! When in fact u cant cos u need his oil. so, what u do, is u get some freindly GS faces to manage his money, and encourage them to lose it all, and you have one bad guy with alot less money.

Well Goldman made what was the right decision for themselves. They had a whole load of oil contracts to unload. So the easiest thing for them to do was to tell people it was going to $200. People jumped in and they unloaded. If people lost money from that, it was their own fault for being taken in.

This is why it's not a good idea to pay attention to brokers, analysts, tipsters, pundits etc etc etc.
This is why it's not a good idea to pay attention to brokers, analysts, tipsters, pundits etc etc etc.

Given how easily they could move people's sentiments, I think a more logical thing to do is to try working out what their real intention is rather than ignoring them all together. Sometimes, it can be quite obvious what they are trying to do.
Given how easily they could move people's sentiments, I think a more logical thing to do is to try working out what their real intention is rather than ignoring them all together. Sometimes, it can be quite obvious what they are trying to do.

Oh that's different, fade their garbage by all means. (y)

Bear market rally, anyone :LOL:?