I've switched (in mid January) from Updata TA to Metastock, and am very pleased that I did so.
I still continue with Sharescope which is a valuable supplement to both. I'm an "end of day" user, so can't comment on the real time offerings.
Here's a summary of my experiences, and the pros and cons of both programs.
I started with Updata in Feb 2003 and attended the "Summer School" last year, and one of the day courses.
1) The user interface for Metastock is much slicker and more responsive. It's often quite tricky to use the stock screening function (the highlighter) to get the results you want.
2) Although you have an initial cost with Metastock, with Updata you're locked into an expensive (£31.73 per month) ongoing data supplier. As the Metastock feeds can be obtained from a number of suppliers, the ongoing cost is much more reasonable.
3) The bundled data feed was unreliable. This was one of the last straws that caused me to leave. e.g. the chart for Jarvis has obviously incorrect data. I reported this, the incorrect data was rectified, and the next day more incorrect data came through. It was reported by one member on the bulletin board (only visible to subscribers!) that over 40 FTSE 100 companies had wrong end of day data at that time.
4) Updata has more advanced "Point and Figure Charting" with counts worked out for you etc. - but Metastock is adequate here.
5) The "System Testing" facilities within Metastock are much more extensive and flexible than those in Updata.
6) Although the basic Metastock product has an extensive array of inbuilt indicators (over 120), explorations, system tests etc, if you want to take it further, you can write your own tailor made back tests, indicators etc. or you can download code from the internet (e.g.
www.guppytraders.com or equis.com). And you purchase add-ons with trading systems from suppliers such as John Bollinger, or Steve Nison (candlestick techniques)
In short, although I'd like to support the UK product, I find that Metastock is a much more polished, reliable, trustworthy and powerful product than Updata TA.