Trading Journals


Helenqu's Trading Journal

It is with great pleasure, that today sees the launch of Helenqu's trading journal. This is a brand new feature of T2W which will be available to anyone who wishes to publish their own trading log.

You can access the journal here: Helenqu's trading journal

First thanks to Helen for agreeing to let us publish her journal on the website. Thanks also to those other members who have showed interest in publishing their trading lives on the web - I'll soon be adding these to the site

The trading journal dates back as far as 10 April 2002, so there's quite a bit of catching up to do. But it's most certainly a worthwhile experience and Helen's writing style makes it an enjoyable one too.

Later in the week, members will be able to add their comments directly to any of helen's entries. But for now, please make use of this thread to post your comments.

Hi Sharky,

I like the look of it, a lot better than the previous versions.

I'm very happy for people to make comments but PLEASE do look at my objectives before saying anything too disparaging and remember I'm only trading two hours a day. (Apart from today/tomorrow where I'll be trading a few more hours).
Sharky, is it possible to read Helen's posts in chronological order, which makes things easier on the brain than reverse chronological order ?
Only thing I ask is that it is presented the other way around. IE that you scroll down instead of up.

I think we've got used to reading top to bottom in chronological order. Unfortunately it's not easy to set it up this way. In a way it makes sense because the most recent entry is at the top of the page, but if you're reading it for the first time, it does take a bit more effort to do things i reverse.

Just to let you know, Marathonchap's Journal is now live too. You can access it here:

Marathonchap's Trading Journal

Elliot has already posted a couple of entries from last week, but keep an eye this week on his new entries. Many thanks too Elliot for agreeing to publish his journal on T2W.

Comments Added

The ability to add comments to any of the journal entries has now been added. This is only available to registered members.

Also you may have noticed that a summary of the 5 most recent journal entries are displayed on the front page of T2W, to make it easier to see when a journal has been updated.

If anyone is interested in writing a journal on T2W, let me know - and I'll send through the details.

Hi Sharky,

I've just flicked back through my most recent journal entries and found a couple of comments that needed replies that I didn't know were there :( Is there any way of knowing when comments have been added other than by flicking through?
Hi Mark,

Click on the entry on the front page, you'll see the journal. Then at the bottom a window for comments :)
Hi Helen

errrr.... I just get a thing saying only registered members may add comments....but I'm logged in. :(

Any thoughts (apart from the thought about solar powered street lighting) :D
Hi Helen,

Yes there is a way of knowing if comments are posted, in fact I've now set it up so you should receive a notifcation email whenever there is a comment posted. FTSE - this is rather strange, does it tell you you need to be registered on the page where you add the comment, or after you submit your comment?

Hi Sharks,
I'm geting the same prob as Ftse. It tells me on the page that I need to be registered.

Hi Options

You don't think it's a conspiracy do you ;)

Hi Sharky

Below is what I've got on my screen.



  • t2wcomm.gif
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Thanks for the screenshots, I'm looking into it at the moment, hopefully I can figure out what's going on. Cheers.

Now fixed! Before unless you had administrative rights on the journal it wouldn't recognise your we're logged in. But now any member logged in can add a comment to any of the journal entries.


I accidently deleted the database containing all the journals!

And worse still neither myself or my web hosting company had a backup!

And just when it looked like we'd lost the lot, I managed to recover most, if not all the entries, and there comments from a bunch of cached google pages!

But it's still going to take a few days to rebuild the database.

Apologies to FTSE and Helen for potentially losing all their hard work. Good thing I didn't delete the T2W database with the forums, now that would have been a REAL disaster! Eeeek. Don't worry though I'm not going to allow this to ever happen again!

I dunno Sharks, we're going to have to have a vote now to see if you are really worth your 80k a year.

Could've been worse. You could have bought when you should have sold.
