This may appear a slightly long post however my guarantee to you is that it may well be the most financially rewarding one that you have ever taken the time to read. Oh, and before you read any further let me give you possibly the biggest incentive to read all of the post, not only will this be one of the most financially rewarding posts, obviously dependent on your action, that you have read but by reading the full post you will see that the strategy is available to you COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE!
I first began trading just over 12 months ago, my first steps were with a signal 'service', a first step that I'd imagine many newbie’s take, probably needless to say it failed absolutely dismally.
I then moved onto TBN which later became Price Action Trading equation (PATe), the reasons for which I will explain later. I began TBN trading in conjunction with a group of four people, with one of those people as the group communicator (GC) with the owner of the method, Julie Hatch. Looking back now this was obviously not the brightest of moves as it meant the other three group members were reliant on the interpretation of Julie's advice by the GC, in other words we were receiving third party information.
It was at that point that we'd decided to ask if we could rotate the GC duties so that everyone got the opportunity to get information directly from Julie, unfortunately at that very point in time Julie had to go into hospital for an operation which would put her out of action for months. That put at least a temporary block on TBN, more later.
At this point our small trading group became fairly fragmented, with only myself and one other member being in almost constant contact on a daily basis, such was our desire to 'crack' trading. Due to the TBN situation we decided to look elsewhere attempting trading with many different methods and 'systems' using many of the usual suspect indicators. Does this sound familiar? I then discovered the J16 method; this finally began to see some consistency in my trading. For the first time, after nine months of attempting to learn to trade full-time, I was having consistent profitable winning weeks, although sadly using this method it seemed to be taking forever to grow my account.
Shortly after this point I found that Julie was out of hospital and was looking to get back to work helping people to learn to trade. I made contact with Julie and recommenced TBN/PATe. Although it's obviously still early days (I thought I'd say it before someone else did, yep I've met all of the cynics!) my trading has gone through the roof, the fact that I am now in direct communication with Julie has made everything seem so easy.
Last week my pip count was just short of +800, this week so far in just two days I have reached +357. For anyone that is confused about trading and is struggling to get some consistency/high pip counts/high bank % growth, and for those that are sick to the back teeth of supposed guru's that simply turn out to be just another shovel seller I would urge you to click this link price action trading - - Price Action Trading Equation
I guarantee you won't be sorry, with this information the only person that will stop you becoming a successful trader is you! You know the old saying, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!
Before I forget, the reasons for the name change, well Trading By Numbers or TBN traded privately offline for over four years however the name wasn't really as search engine friendly as Price Action Trading equation (PATe), in fact if you do a Google search you'll probably find that TBN brings up Trinity Broadcasting Network, I'm sure that they could get plenty of messages out there, but probably none would have anything to do with trading!
At this stage I would like to mention, for purposes of clarity, that although Julie is generously offering her strategy FREE OF CHARGE simply by click on the above link that she is also planning on making a low cost advice membership available in the future, this will replace the current FREE advice that is available on a daily basis on her Twitter feed.
If you do follow my link and give yourself the opportunity of dealing with Julie you will find that she is fairly unique as a trading mentor, she is VERY straight talking, some would say to the extent of being blunt at times, she is as honest as the day is long, she is a TRADER that can, and does, actually TRADE, yeah amazing eh, and she is NOT internet friendly, she is just getting to grips with the jungle that is the internet, so go easy on her.
I would like to finish by stating that I have absolutely no vested interest in TBN / PATe, although I fully understand that the cynics out there will probably not believe me. Julie has done me the ultimate financial favour in RAPIDLY bringing my trading up to a whole new level, one that I could only previously have dreamed about, and often did, I am simply trying to pass it on, hopefully, at some stage, you will do the same for someone else, in the markets we trade there is room for everyone.
Good luck with your trading, whatever you decide.
I first began trading just over 12 months ago, my first steps were with a signal 'service', a first step that I'd imagine many newbie’s take, probably needless to say it failed absolutely dismally.
I then moved onto TBN which later became Price Action Trading equation (PATe), the reasons for which I will explain later. I began TBN trading in conjunction with a group of four people, with one of those people as the group communicator (GC) with the owner of the method, Julie Hatch. Looking back now this was obviously not the brightest of moves as it meant the other three group members were reliant on the interpretation of Julie's advice by the GC, in other words we were receiving third party information.
It was at that point that we'd decided to ask if we could rotate the GC duties so that everyone got the opportunity to get information directly from Julie, unfortunately at that very point in time Julie had to go into hospital for an operation which would put her out of action for months. That put at least a temporary block on TBN, more later.
At this point our small trading group became fairly fragmented, with only myself and one other member being in almost constant contact on a daily basis, such was our desire to 'crack' trading. Due to the TBN situation we decided to look elsewhere attempting trading with many different methods and 'systems' using many of the usual suspect indicators. Does this sound familiar? I then discovered the J16 method; this finally began to see some consistency in my trading. For the first time, after nine months of attempting to learn to trade full-time, I was having consistent profitable winning weeks, although sadly using this method it seemed to be taking forever to grow my account.
Shortly after this point I found that Julie was out of hospital and was looking to get back to work helping people to learn to trade. I made contact with Julie and recommenced TBN/PATe. Although it's obviously still early days (I thought I'd say it before someone else did, yep I've met all of the cynics!) my trading has gone through the roof, the fact that I am now in direct communication with Julie has made everything seem so easy.
Last week my pip count was just short of +800, this week so far in just two days I have reached +357. For anyone that is confused about trading and is struggling to get some consistency/high pip counts/high bank % growth, and for those that are sick to the back teeth of supposed guru's that simply turn out to be just another shovel seller I would urge you to click this link price action trading - - Price Action Trading Equation
I guarantee you won't be sorry, with this information the only person that will stop you becoming a successful trader is you! You know the old saying, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!
Before I forget, the reasons for the name change, well Trading By Numbers or TBN traded privately offline for over four years however the name wasn't really as search engine friendly as Price Action Trading equation (PATe), in fact if you do a Google search you'll probably find that TBN brings up Trinity Broadcasting Network, I'm sure that they could get plenty of messages out there, but probably none would have anything to do with trading!
At this stage I would like to mention, for purposes of clarity, that although Julie is generously offering her strategy FREE OF CHARGE simply by click on the above link that she is also planning on making a low cost advice membership available in the future, this will replace the current FREE advice that is available on a daily basis on her Twitter feed.
If you do follow my link and give yourself the opportunity of dealing with Julie you will find that she is fairly unique as a trading mentor, she is VERY straight talking, some would say to the extent of being blunt at times, she is as honest as the day is long, she is a TRADER that can, and does, actually TRADE, yeah amazing eh, and she is NOT internet friendly, she is just getting to grips with the jungle that is the internet, so go easy on her.
I would like to finish by stating that I have absolutely no vested interest in TBN / PATe, although I fully understand that the cynics out there will probably not believe me. Julie has done me the ultimate financial favour in RAPIDLY bringing my trading up to a whole new level, one that I could only previously have dreamed about, and often did, I am simply trying to pass it on, hopefully, at some stage, you will do the same for someone else, in the markets we trade there is room for everyone.
Good luck with your trading, whatever you decide.