No I am on an older version (296) because they introduced a .net version and I am reluctant to change. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".
Remember my older PC is 7 years old, but it still runs Sierra well enough to day-trade futures. (I do have another one with 8 x 3.2 Ghz processors which runs Sierra fine).
The trial version is ok but without data coming in you will not be able to test how much resource it uses.
Use of resource simply depends on what you do. Displaying multiple charts is no problem, but how many ? And when you add more and more indicators your are using up cpu to do the calcs.
This applies to any package.
Problem is in answering questions like this is that you never know how hard the questioner is going to drive the package or what other applications they may have running in parallel. And you haven't mentioned the spec of your PC.