I have ta be honest and own up to the fact that I come here for a bit of a laugh and a joke as me own circumstances appear to be a little different to those of most others posting here. So although there's not going to be any particularly pertinent exchange of information that'll be of much use to you or for me,
I still find the experience an interesting and often amusing one.
Me too nowadays
I'm not sure what you're looking for Neil nor do I know what sort of trader yer are, but I really don't imagine many of these sorts of sites are going to be a lot different and I really don't think you're not going to find anything on them you haven't already got.
true - I am not looking for anything here
It seems ta me that sites like this could (but this one currently doesn't) corner the market on up-to-the-minute news on what's goin on in stocks, futures, commodities, forex etc. Breaking news like SFO looking into Tesco and stuff like that. These 'current' snippets tend to be hot stuff, generating a lot of immediate opinion and debate and discussion then tailing off rather sharply as focus moves to the next latest piece of information. That would require someone on the team specifically tasked with sourcing and seeding this information to promote discussion rather than just depending on the membership to do so.
With respect to all, I don't see the benefit to anyone of making live calls without a basis for how and why they're being made, how they're managed and closed out.
True- but it annoyed the snake oil merchants
And there's not a lot you can say after that as it's all down to the individual and the method. Anyone's particular live call is goin to be of limited interest or use all by itself and is only ever really going to be an ego thing, which more often than not blows up in yer face.
The ftse thread for example is an example of a useful thread for looking at a traders thought process -well it was in the early days
I'm probably wide of the mark as I'm not into the retail directional side of things and perhaps I'm talking out of turn here, but the sort of trading most of yer are doing and hope to be doing has a very low probability of long term profitability.
I'm not going ta be too popular, am I.
Don't worry about it -I dont