selecta7 - anybody looked into it?

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This is what I originally said:

I used to be of the opinion that nothing came for free, that the bigger the expected returns the higher the risk and if something sounded too good to be true it probably was.

Of course I now know that this is not always the case and there a lots of interesting and sometimes easy ways to make money. From the RichDadPoorDad books I know that you've just got to keep working on your financial intelligence to stay ahead of the game.

The books also suggest you investigate everything and carerfully evaluate it even, no sorry, particularly if it claims to make 100% in 6 weeks. Even if this is not completely true, there could be some useful insights that are worth finding out.

So has anybody looked into selecta7? They advertise in so many semi-respectable places I can't believe that they are complete cowboys.

This is what I meant to say:

selecta7 looks incredibly dodgy - but I'm interested to know how they can make such incredible claims - has anybody tried it?

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I have as it happens, a few months ago and I have to say my initial sceptiscism waned the more I looked into it - if I amass the £2995 to buy a licence I might be tempted to visit them in Hitchin to see the system in action.

However, my concern is that I'll probably never know how the system works and will be powerless to do anything about it should the algorithm suddenly faulter - it might not, but I'd want to know how it worked all the same.

I decided to invest time and money (albeit the smallest amount through Spreadex; £320 on the DOW) in TA and trading the DOW, after some initial guidance - having spent many an hour reading posts on T2W, I now know I'm playing with fire but at £1/point the risk is OK - since Mar I've doubled the deposit, using indicators such as DMI, MACD, RSI and Stochastics.

If you go visit them and find out more for yourself, let me know how you get on.

"They advertise in so many semi-respectable places I can't believe that they are complete cowboys."

Most cowboys advertise in semi-respectable places.

Is Selecta7 a horse racing system? I think it is crazy to bet on anything with more than two legs!
I've done a bit of digging myself and found some references to selecta7 on some horse betting boards. It does sound as if it is the complete crap you would expect it to be from the claims. The returns made in the ads are quite incredible - I suppose they are either made up, distorted or only advertised at times when they are ridiculously favourable. Nobody actually says what the system is and what is wrong with it - but I think this is one bit of education that I won't be investigating.

I subscribe to Selecta7, check out the Betting Diary at for results. I'm not that much in profit as i do not do it regularly because I travel a lot. This year I am giving it a better shot. The programme basically interprets selections of all the newspaper tipsters in the country and with its filters based on these tipsters performance generates one or more horses to bet on. If no horse passes the filters then there is no selection.

I got off to a good start and doubled my stake in the first week including a 16-1 winner. There are safer sport betting opportunities. Check out

The promoter will soon be offering a daily spread betting service to subscribers to generate an income instead of a second income as with selecta7.
hi all

Like Seadog I also run Selecta7 for Horse racing selections. I have been doing this for a couple of years - and yes it works.

Having met the guy and seen his setup including the amount of work that he has put into the system I have no doubt that it is genuine.

Of course, while his figures quoted on his website are true (because I have used the same selections for a lengthy period), the large winnings are available if you start with a large pot in the first place; say £2000+.

This is NOT a scam. Without giving the "secret" away (mainly because i do not know what it is) what you get is a program to run on your computer, the input data comes from The Racing Post. You do need to do this regularly for the numbers to work for you. If you dabble you will lose. Money management techniques are also important.
I wonder if it relies on the fact that if a long odds horse wins, the people who have just started to use the system will make a lot of money and sing its praises?

As with all these systems. If it is as good as they say, they would surely use it to make a fortune instead of selling it to others.
An interesting theory, but that turns out not to be the case.

Whilst not trying to advertise the merits of the system, thats for everyone to make their minds up about, all I was trying to do was to assure everyone that it is genuine.

To try to address your second point is very straight forward.
Are the bookies likely to continue to take bets from someone consistently winning large amounts of money from them? Because to make any decent living from Selecta7 you would need to be placing bets of £500+ to win on each horse! Sometimes there are as many as 6 selections. An interesting thought!

Are we agreed that SB companies are bookies?

I view it as a bit of fun on a Saturday and as it makes me a bit of money over the long run; that's great.

I look forward to seeing his share SB system when it arrives.
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...the proprietor does use the system, but he also owns horses which may have made more for him than the licence revenue from Selecta7. Whatever - good luck to him and those using the system. As the betting diary on the site shows there will be losing streaks, no doubt there are many who bought into the system and quickly lost their capital - to be expected with any betting system and must be ventured into with money you are prepared to lose.
Proper money management as explained in the notes with the software programme ensures that you stay in the black through any long sequence of losses. also you must not get greedy in the winning sequences. I started off with nine wins in twelve races. The betting diary on the web site shows only weekend and bank holiday results, I use it from Wednesday to Sunday in the flat season.
Before you buy you can try it in Mark's (the proprietor) office. That's what I did. It only takes a little while to input the data and produce selections.
Wow - it sounds genuine. I think I might go back and change my original post again!

Bigbusiness - I'm afraid I don't agree with the if you've got a winning system then you won't share it rule.

I agree that on one side of the coin if you have a winning system then you will already will be making money and sharing the system might have a small effect in reducing your returns but ...

on the other side of the coin even if you start off with 50k and are getting 100% a year it is going to take almost five years before you make the first million and a few more years before you can get the yacht. I also think there is something inside us that wants to share our bright ideas - maybe it is bragging, maybe it is generosity or maybe it is just too painful to watch the 97% making losses when you know there is a better and simpler way.

Whilst "meditating" on this thread it occurred to me that even more interesting than the fact that people out there are making money from selecta7 is the way that myself and it would seem many other react to things like selecta7.

We, the flock, find it so easy to ridicule something that sounds too good to be true. Even if we think we are open minded - we still seek the safety of the crowd.

When the thread was going the way of the "he's a rip off artist, save your money", there was I thinking "oh my word - everybody thinks I'm an idiot - why did I even say I was investigating selecta7 when I was just curious". And then, when a few people popped up and said it was geniune, I then felt justified in saying it can be worth investigating some of these crazy schemes.

I suppose it could just be a basic human desire not to be caught out looking stupid, but if we can conquer it and keep a level head and sort out the scams from the schemes then early retirement beckons.

It is also interesting to think about how the detractors are thinking. I've done it in the past, your brain tells you something is a bad idea (you've read it in a book or something sounds too good to be true), mix this in with some evidence you heard down the pub, a few stats (97% of daytraders are losers) and some words of wisdom (its impossible to time the market) and who wouldn't do the world a favour and tell them what a crazy idea day trading is.

I'm just thinking out loud as I start to think how I will market my own get rick quick scheme, Suicidal Trading, perhaps a name change could be the first thing on the list ...

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I would take your question about this selecta7 thing to the forum (horse racing section).

You'll find the users there will be very much more clued up on the subject of horse racing and systems than here.

Also, it would be wise to realise that the horseracing betting market is VERY sophisticated. I believe there are a number of people who make it pay, the consensus is that you have to analyse each horserace as an individual event and not use any 'system' as such.

I agree that maybe there are some things that seem too good to be true but actually work, I just think if you rejected everything that looked to good to be true then you probably end up better off in the long run - but then I'm just cynical 😀

Well, I still think that if someone had a really good system they would make money out of it rather than sell it. Having lived near Hithcin, there are hundreds of bookmakers within 50 miles and it would be easy to go around them collecting your winnings without anyone taking notice. London is only 45 minutes away and there must be enough bookies there to keep you happy. The internet now has hundreds of different bookmakers, so you could do it from home.

Have a look at the selecta7 thread on this website.
The biggest concern I have is that this system is called Selecta7 and his other one is Asset18 or similar. This could come perilously close to the (alleged as I've never looked at it) fund manager technique of taking 20 trainee fund managers giving them a stake each and then cutting all the losers until after 5 years you have 1 guy with a good track record to promote to everyone. It doesn't mean that guy is any good.

Similarly the numerical tags could mean he genuinely set up 20 (or 2000) different systems and is just promoting the best one. Doesn't mean it is any good though, just means it was best fitted to the past data.

The 7 in selecta7 refers to the seven filters built into the system to produce the selected horse. I am now off to put on todays bets!
the content of the post as above is not correct. the money management dictates that you bet 1/20 of the high of your kitty, not 1/20 of what you have on that day, otherwise it will be harder to get ahead.
i can't see anything wrong with selecta7 and don't believe the returns are manipulated.