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Legendary member
Somebody posted a link to an elitetrader thread (I think sometime over last weekend).

The link was a post consisting of (I think) 5 or 6 smallish pdfs that were written in fairy story type prose. There was also a file on Supply/Demand.

Try as I might, my skill at complex searching the t2w boards has yielded nothing.

Anyone out there with more fully developed skills than mine or a better memory, your helpful pointer would be appreciated.
Is it SP, thanks.

Did you search for it or just remember where it was?

The weird thing is I did what almost half the people who looked at that thread did - I just downloaded the first (of four) files, not realising that I needed to go to the next screen and get the other 3.

What surprises me more (not my stupidity, I'm used to that...) is that they didn't go back for the rest after realising their mistake in having just pages 1-2 of a 9 page document.

There's nowt so strange....

I remembered who the author was and did a quick search. There aren't many people whos stuff I even bother reading at elite but dbphoenix is one of the more interesting contributors.