Possible scams

Syd Thompson

I have recently been contacted by several companies, namely Wilkins Fairbrother & Alpha Finance, offering me shares in Companies West Group stating that the shares are about to move substantially and offering me these at a discount . This appears dodgy and I have so far refused their "bargain" deals. Has anyone else had dealings in either these companies or shares ? Timberlake Energy is another regular tip but I know this is a definite boiler room scam. Also I have been contacted by an Irish Republic Company, Equities Europe offering to take restricted rule 144 US shares (Medysis ticker symbol MYDO) off me as part settlement on a trade in BHP Billiton Mining. This seems too good to be true as I have been having real difficulty trying to sell these. My e-mails and phone calls to the Company in US went unanaswered or any replies were evasive. Does anyone have any positive experience with Equities Europe or are they also scammers taking advantage of my earlier bad experience with Rule 144 shares in the US ?

A sceptic UK investor
why once in a while, theres people like you always post such thing here? try search "boiler room" thread
why once in a while, theres people like you always post such thing here? try search "boiler room" thread


I take it that this means you think that is definitely a scam. The Companies have both been back on to me hassling me for settlement of the trades but I remain wary of paying out any money to them, especially as I noticed the names of both Wilkins Fairbrother & Companies West Group on the thread you referred me to. Thanks for the advice. I think that I really need it!

They are crooks attempting to steal your money, have nothing to do with them.

Wilkins Fairbrother is on the FSA warning list and Alpha is mentioned below in a warning notice from the FSA


As for Equities Europe I think it can be safely assumed they are crooks as well, they just havnt appeared anywhere else yet, maybe you can post their website here.
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It sounds like you've already been scammed because of the Reg-S shares you cannot sell - so you are now on their suckers list and unfortunately you will probably be plagued with phonecalls like this for some time.

General rule - if someone phones you up offering investments (particularly discounted shares) without you contacting them first - then it's 99% certain to be a boiler room.

Ask yourself:
Why would someone/some company with such a good deal not buy the shares themselves if it was such a money spinner?
Ive put over $100K into these 144 stocks over so many years. They are good as toilet tissue IMO. I wish I never got involved in all this non-sense. PLEASE be careful Syd or you will be out hard earned cash!
Thanks for your information. I will give them short shrift the next time they call. The latest is a person contacting me offering to help me get "compensation" from the SEC iro misselling of shares on the OTC (Pink sheets) market in USA. Has anyone ever heard of this or is it yet another scam, like offering substantial sums after you have signed a NDA and paid a "small" insurance bond ?
Thanks for your information. I will give them short shrift the next time they call. The latest is a person contacting me offering to help me get "compensation" from the SEC iro misselling of shares on the OTC (Pink sheets) market in USA. Has anyone ever heard of this or is it yet another scam, like offering substantial sums after you have signed a NDA and paid a "small" insurance bond ?

Its the advance fee part of the scam, they offer to sort it out but you pay them up front, then they disappear. Classic scam, dont even think about falling for it.
The latest is a person contacting me offering to help me get "compensation" from the SEC iro misselling of shares on the OTC (Pink sheets) market in USA. Has anyone ever heard of this or is it yet another scam,

I wonder. Scam? Hmmm... Come on, can you really not work this out?
Do it - sounds a fantactic offer and one not to be missed

count me in as well ......i'll plough my fortunes made from Nigerian bank account deals made in last 5 years and i'll phone up my mate Ponzi
