Can someone explain these stocks?

top dollar

I was wondering if someone can explain these two stocks to me please T2YA.F and TLKE.PK. Are they from the same company? As I stated in a different thread I was offered shares in Timberlake Energy Solutions by a cold caller, which i believe to be a boiler room scam. Any views appreciated.
.pk are pink slips or shares traded off the exchange. They trade off the exchange because they cannot pass the standards of becoming listed stocks. Therefore any investment in them is like investing in a lottery ticket. Sometimes scam artist take a position in these stocks and start bombarding message boards and the whole world with information hoping for a big move up just like penny stocks. Don't bother buying these shares.
Hmm .. thats the general view of Pinks but most are development stage companies. They don't meet NASDQ requirements due to PPS etc. But still check them out don't listen to us. Heres some more information via pinksheets. They aren't actually even classified as a pink sheet stock instead they're a Grey market stock. They did a R/S only a few months ago so avoid this like the plague.