Patches the Horse

God Damn.......

lol, notice they cut the vid short in the bedroom..... hmmm lol unless you have that under the counter sir?

one cool colt for sure....... even having a take out at the drive thru.... hmm which reminds me of a time myself and a budwardo went to mickey d's time was 10.58 am and we couldnt order fries..... breakfast menu only...... the chins.. so we drove out back round the drive thru up to the window and were able to order fries! bloody jobs worth...

funniest head jerker ive seen is in eygpt when a truck drives by and there are 8 camels knobbled laying down going for a truck ride cruising on by your window. you really know you are in a weird country then, ohh and the armed guards, burning cars on the highway that sort of thing.... what a hole......

rant over

cheers rols.