Very lucky Friday 13th for me.
I was strolling home from the shops y'day morning carrying a Valentines card for my wife and three bunches of flowers, one for my wife and two for our daughters (yeah yeah.......but ok I'm just a soppy daddy who likes making sure his girls DO get flowers on Valentines, even if they are from me).
A large flat bed truck was going past on the bend and I instantly saw something huge and metal flying towards my head - instinctively I just threw myself out of the way. The heavy iron wheelbarrow had been thrown off the flat bed and smashed into the pavement where I'd been. If it had hit my head - then fractured skull broken neck etc.
Imagine the local headline, " Surrey man killed by flying wheelbarrow on Friday 13th - cops probe mystery as he was carrying flowers for his own funeral".
Like I said, lucky Friday 13th