p&F Trading Explorations...


Junior member
Just wondered if anyone had read the Jeremy Du Plessis book and written explorations for p&F bullish catapult, bullish/bearish traingle etc....
speculator said:
Just wondered if anyone had read the Jeremy Du Plessis book and written explorations for p&F bullish catapult, bullish/bearish traingle etc....

Yes, read the book but I use Updata's Technical Analyst Trader. JDP is a partner (co-owner?) at Updata so their TA package is well "tuned" into many of the techniques and approaches detailed in the book (including the ones you mention above). Can't help on Metastock, sorry.
many thanks blackmoon

I would rather use what i have already paid a great deal for hence my askign if anyone has or can write explorations for the conditions used in the highlkighter part of Updata.

I am particularly interested in the bullish/bearish catapult explorations as i already have the other p&F exploration by Equis which sadly lacks this functionality.

Anyone who can provide me with exploration for bearish/bullish catapult in point & figure.....would bew extremely grateful.
With Updata there is a special PnF formula section where you can code any pattern you like. Many are already coded. If you are serious about PnF you should give it a try. It really is way ahead of any other s/w

I am very much into my PnF trading now and its proving very profitable. :)
Maybe there is an alternative

Maybe a little late... :rolleyes:

For quite a while now I am working with p&f charts and found that all multimethod programs have weak points - though I do not know Updata's Technical Analyst so far. But I checked "Metastock" and the online Version of Tradesignal as well as MarketMaker in two versions. The best thing I have come across so far is Archer Analysis' "Bull's Eye Broker", a 'point & figure only' program.
It can do all the things Updata promises for its p&f part and a few more - and it works with free data, if you combine it with a downloader, which comes in a package with the 21 day trial. Plus you can read the "Stocks & Commodities" review without having to buy it like Updata suggests... ;) . And the program's price is reasonable in comparison...
If you are interested in more details, you can find them on Archer Analysis, the developer's page.

Wishing you rather an X than an O!

Does somebody know a good Point & Figure trading software?
Software that gives trading signals based on P & F charting paterns.
Thank You, zupnik