OE problem


Senior member
Hi folks, got a wee prob with OE6 which I'm hoping someone might be able to help me with.

Been getting a lot of virus junk sent through lately to my virgin.net address, so added the senders to the "blocked" list to direct them straight to the trash can.

Now, OE6 directs relevant mail into trash can as requested. However, if you try and open the trash can to view any other deleted mail, OE6 falls over and puts it legs in the air.

Have ran all manner of pc tests, checks, have de-virused, de-fragged, de-do-daaaad everything to hell and back - would even de-fibrillate the damn machine if I thought it would stop annoying falling-over business.

Any suggestions (short of reinstalling said falling-over application??)

Many grassy bums,

Rossered, you may want to see if you need to update, or I should say check if you need any patches for OE, 6
www.microsoft.com there's a facility there that can check your
O/S to see if any updates are required..........good Luck
Rossered, on your pc if you goto, start, Programs, windows update, that should take you to the relevent place,at microsoft, just click on scan for updates, if youv'e already done so, please Ignore this,
thanks for the replies chaps.

Oaty, I've taken MailWasher pro from that link, cheers.

My OE setup is fully uptodate anyway, but thanks for the suggestions.

Okay, further to my first post...

Mailwasher is now intercepting all virus/emails fine.


OE6 now falls over whenever I go into "deleted items" - be that my hotmail accounts (which I have configured in OE6) or my normal pop accounts.

er....help??? 🙄
Just looking for repair or reinstall IE and OE and was reminded of
sfc /scannow (note the space). That's if you're on XP. This will check whether you've got any corrupt files, which apparently is a reason for it falling over.
Worth a try. 😉
Thx Oaty, running it now...

I can see a re-install on the horizon... that'll be something to do after my holiday when I'm not in a stinking mood 🙁
I did a Google and Eldergeeks was one that came up with sfc /scannow and a couple of other ideas.
Reinstalls are for Saturday mornings, just in case 😉
good luck