Nick Clegg


Legendary member
Don't forget that Nick Clegg is on LBC this morning frpm 0900. It's a phone in programme so should be interesting.
I have to agree. Was disappointed but should not have been. "Waffling on" is what they all do. Over here, as well.
I have to agree. Was disappointed but should not have been. "Waffling on" is what they all do. Over here, as well.

Cleggy got it right once -- a long time ago -- when he showed Gordon and Dave how to use a microphone and television camera on stage to one's best advantage. In fact, it's about the only thing he's ever done well -- it's all been downhill since then.
The Liberals have usually been the guys with the big ideas but have difficulty selling them to the masses. So theTories do get dragged along into the present minus 20 years or so.. Labour has been unable to break their ties with the Unions - after all they pay their bills.
So we have a shakey coalition of differing views that have neither the strength or purpose.
it seems to me that the Liberals are just recycled Labourites who do anything and side with anybody to get in power. The vote at Eastleigh will be interesting!
From a trading point of view it doesn't matter too much what they do or say as we can't influence that except at great cost. So we are left with having to position our savings to a point where it is likely we will make money. Not easy imho
it seems to me that the Liberals are just recycled Labourites who do anything and side with anybody to get in power. The vote at Eastleigh will be interesting!

....or socialists with a "friendly" face.
I expect they will win on Thursday as all the local council members are Libs so it's a hot bed of support. Many will simply not vote knowing the Libs will get in anyway and then leg-over clegged brain will hail it as a great triumph and vote of confidence in them.
Hands up anybody who believes a word the Libs say......they are even more adept at lying than the other parties.
it seems to me that the Liberals are just recycled Labourites who do anything and side with anybody to get in power. The vote at Eastleigh will be interesting!

The outcome may well redefine the coalition relationship. Should the Liberal vote disappear and leave the Tories triumphant then they will have a much stronger position. Or vice versa