In my original idea I wasn't thinking that things needed to be so formal. Like either Helen or Skimbleshanks said in the original thread too much organisation could ruin creative energies (probably wasn't either H or S and probably said nothing like that, but I'm just too lazy to check).
My suggestion was just create a Forum called FAQ with the same permissions as every other forum. Then if anybody feels the urge to start a FAQ then they get together all the information they need either from the boards, books or brain and then post it as a new thread. Anybody is free to add any comments that they like and the original poster is not allowed to edit them! It could be something like "excellent - no changes needed", "you have forgoten about xxx" or "utter tosh - I'm going to write my own faq". When the original poster has had enough feed back they rewrite their faq taking in all the suggestions. I think we can rely on peer pressure to make sure the FAQs progress in the right direction.
If somebody feels that a FAQ is so off message they can start one of their own. Should be fun deciding which one to use.
I think you can be sure that if any FAQ is not going too well, we will not be shy to point it out to the poster. We can also use the rate thread to distinguish between good and bad FAQs.
The only time a moderator is needed is to move a redundant FAQ to the FAQARCHIVE, to remove any posts which are reported to them and they agree need action and to moderate as to the structure of the FAQ as it grows.
Keeping it open like this will give it a life of its own and means that people do not have to make commitments and stick to it.
The only other role which might be worth creating, and I think you will like this one, is the Faq Controller. They have the authority to move threads to the FAQ archive and to structure the index page - affectively choosing which thread is the official FAQ if there is conflict.
Of course if you would prefer a little more organisation then do it. You're the boss.