Need advice from fellow traders


Junior member
Hello fellow traders,

I am planning to organize a little seminar for day traders next year and I am curious about your opinions of the following:
Thank you for your time and effort, really appreciate it.

- If you are going to a seminar for day trader, which speaker would you like to see?
- What subject would like to learn more about?

- Scalping
- Swing Trading
- Position Trading
- Tape Reading
- Market Profile
- Emotional aspects of trading
- Certain Trade Set-ups
- Charting Software
- Or else ………

- Did you ever attend a seminar about day trading, what did you like and what did you did not like?

Happy Trading,

Ramon van Meer
Why don't you ask your existing customer base just out of mild curiosity? It's what I used to do when I ran a business.

My name is Ramon van Meer, and my team and I have conducted thousands of hours in research and we’ve discovered what to trade, who to trade with, how to make it cheap, and, above all—what the pros are using for their trading execution to keep their profits pouring in. Learn The Bracket Trade

At Trade Your, we have one agenda: to help you make money at day-trading the E-Mini S&P 500. Our team is not affiliated with any brokers, trading systems, trading platforms, or psychics. We are seasoned professional traders who successfully trade our own concepts, each and every day. Our methodology allows us to earn 2 to 4 points daily on the Mini S&P, before the clock even strikes noon.
Robster,I wont knock you too much as you only charge $150 for your course,even though as usual your results are hypothetical. Why dont you trade live,open up a skype room demonstate the trades to all us senior members, we will all then buy and spread the word about this amazing course that gives us the afternoon off.
If you are going to a seminar for day trader, which speaker would you like to see?
- What subject would like to learn more about?

- Scalping
- Swing Trading
- Position Trading
- Tape Reading
- Market Profile
- Emotional aspects of trading
- Certain Trade Set-ups
- Charting Software
- Or else ………

- Did you ever attend a seminar about day trading, what did you like and what did you did not like?

Hi pvanmeer,
Some of your options are rather odd, IMO, because day traders are unlikely to be interested in Swing and Position trading. That's more likely to be of interest to . . .
Software tends only to be of interest if the speaker / tutor uses specific software with bespoke indicators etc. that are only available with the products s/he uses. Tape reading and scalping tend to go hand in hand (not always, I know), so they make good bedfellows. Emotional aspects of trading wouldn't interest me as a subject in its own right. However, if you have a weekend event with a handful of speakers and one of them happened to be Dr. Brett Steenbarger, then I'd definitely make an effort to attend his lecture. But it really would need to be someone of his calibre. Other than that, the main draw would be traders who are recognized for their ability - not only as traders - but also as speakers, able to get their ideas across in a way that the audience can really understand and then implement in their own trading with a positive impact on the P&L.
Robster,I wont knock you too much as you only charge $150 for your course,even though as usual your results are hypothetical. Why dont you trade live,open up a skype room demonstate the trades to all us senior members, we will all then buy and spread the word about this amazing course that gives us the afternoon off.

Now I understand - LOL.

Personally, if I were hypothtically speaking to open up a skype chat with live trades, it would be rather tedious and be something like this:

Every 1-2 days - "Get in now!"
1-3 days later - "Come out now!"

If I was asked what made me enter/exit it would be something like "It kind of looked like the right time for lots of reasons that I just can't be bothered to explain".

It would be ranked as one of the least entertaining live trade set-ups ever. Considering I've never used a live trade thing and never plan to do so unless it's for lulz to while away the tedium, I see little value to either me or the great unwashed.

Lulz to abate tedium is here - t2w and it's all free.
A lot of it depends on what stage of trader you are trying to get. If its experienced people and you want to sell them hi freq stuff then get speakers who do automated strategies etc.
But since you have posted here I doubt that is the case.
SO be clear about your audience. Beginners are the easiest to sell to and they will buy anything. More experienced traders will know that you will have to little to tell them that they do not already know, unless they are consistently loss making - in which case they hopefully have stopped trading.
Sorry to be cynical but yours is a crowded market. Trading is not rocket science, its easier to think of it as a habit = mental reflex. Not clear ? Perhaps not, but thats what trading successfully, every day is, for a non automated trader.
Hi Combotrader, thanks for your post. To be honest I am not trying to sell something, I will not even speak myself. I want to host a seminar and invite other speakers. And it will be a mixed seminar with live trading in the morning and other speakers in the afternoon.
I know it is a crowded market but I think there is still demand for seminars with good speakers who are willing to teach the people something and not sell their product. Because I have been already to to many seminars what actually it was more a promotion pitch of the speaker...