my journal 3

investigating german songwriters

I thought that to learn German I could benefit from listening to some good music and I tried finding the equivalent of simon and garfunkel, billy joel and similar.

Here's the two I found:
Herbert Grönemeyer
Stefan Waggershausen

Ich kann nicht mehr seh'n
Trau nicht mehr meinen Augen
Kann kaum noch glauben
Gefühle haben sich gedreht
Ich bin viel zu träge
Um aufzugeben
Es wär' auch zu früh
Weil immer was geht...

It sounds pretty good. Although not as good as simon and garfunkel.

The markets are going a bit better for me, although I am still taking a beating on Gold and Silver.

Let's hear this other guy:
Stefan Waggershausen

Er lehnt an der Bar und schaut sich um
Er sagt nicht viel, er weiß warum
Er hat ein Leben lang sein Wild gejagt
sein Wolfinstinkt hat noch nie versagt

Dann fährt er's hoch, das Wolfsprogramm
Er lächelt charmant, die Rehe kommen näher ran
Sie warten voller Lust auf seinen Biß
Wie lange ist es her, daß er eins von diesen Rehen ist

Der alte Wolf wird langsam grau
Doch er ist zäh und er ist schlau
Noch beißt er junge Wölfe weg
Noch haben die vor ihm Respekt

Der alte Wolf wird langsam grau
Kommt nur noch selten aus dem Bau
Doch immer noch kommt er ans Ziel
Der alte Wolf, er kennt das Spiel
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good seventh lesson, short one and simple:

actually I've been to köln


As you study german, or any language, and as I saw this brazilian dude speaking german, I wondered: what is the language of the future? What language would be worth studying?

For me it's easier to go for languages written in the Latin alphabet, so of course, knowing the biggest ones already, I went for German. I didn't even think of trying Chinese, Arabic or Japanese: too much work.

Then I also studied a little bit on these two very good links:

And they tell me that yes, spanish english and portuguese come a long way before german, in terms of speakers, but german is more important to me for culture, finance and power in general.

Furthermore, portuguese is too easy and not worth studying, also given that I already know a few similar languages.

Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Arabic are out of my reach. Unfavorable learning curve: I'd give up.

So I am left with German.

Another interesting link I'll post here below again (already posted above) is:

You see, the Latin script will win in the long run for many reasons. It's the language of the information technology, of finance... it's the language the elites are learning everywhere (because of english), and it is already the most widely used script.

So the Latin script will win. The only question is which language will win, and the answer is clearly English. English definitely wins over spanish, portuguese, french and german (too hard to learn, and germans already know english).

So, in fact I almost don't know anymore why I am studying german... the main reasons are these:

1) I want to be busy doing something worthwhile, and that I can complete (I don't like leaving things unfinished)
2) I am curious about their history (nazism in particular), their thinking now.
3) I want something to show off
4) I want a language that allows me to take notes without being understood by the idiots around me, such as when writing a journal. For example, it'd be nice if I could write a journal in german on a site like this one, only in german.

Every night when I go to bed and listen to my hitler's speeches on my portable media player (which I paid 6.90 euros and it works as well as an ipod), each night I understand a little more and I wonder: dude, does this guy talk! How could he talk so much?

This guy talks endlessly. It is absolutely interesting and I can't wait to understand what he's saying. You see, the impact of hitler is huge. He's the most famous person of the last 200 years until we go back to napoleon.

There's Julius Caesar, then there's Genghis Khan, then Leonardo Da Vinci, Napoleon, Hitler. I mean, we've been talking about hitler for the past 80 years.

It is definitely worth investigating.

Also germans are worth investigating. These people, they have been razed to the ground in world war I, and became the strongest again in just 20 years. Razed to the ground in world war II and became the strongest again in just 40 years.

Another people worth studying is the Japanese of course. But that's too much work.
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Wow, just came back from watching JOBS, at the movie theater, but you can also find it here:

And to think that my colleagues are still at the office... thanks to my part-time schedule I can enjoy myself while the rest of the world is sitting at their desks doing their bull**** routine.

It was quite good, and now I have all sorts of questions and curiosities.

For example, how about Lisa? Is she really his daughter? Is she alive? What does she look like?
Brennan-Jobs was born in 1978 to 23-year-old Chris-Ann Brennan, a Bay Area painter, and 23-year-old Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. co-founder, who had dated on and off since high school.[4] Development of the Apple Lisa computer began in the year of Brennan's birth, just as Apple Computer, the company her father founded, began to experience significant growth. Jobs initially denied paternity, and he and Apple claimed that the name was an acronym for "Local Integrated Software Architecture".[5] Steve Jobs swore in court documents that he could not be Lisa's father because he was "sterile and infertile, and as a result thereof, did not have the physical capacity to procreate a child."[2]

Decades later, Jobs admitted to his biographer Walter Isaacson, "Obviously, it was named for my daughter."

Another thing, let's see some of steve jobs' speeches:

(last is the best video)

Another question is if steve jobs was a programmer or knew nothing about it:
Jobs then attended Cupertino Junior High and Homestead High School in Cupertino, California.[2] At Homestead, Jobs became friends with Bill Fernandez, a neighbor who shared the same interests in electronics. Fernandez introduced Jobs to his neighbor, Steve Wozniak, a computer and electronics whiz kid, who was also known as "Woz". In 1969 Wozniak started building a little computer board with Fernandez that they named "The Cream Soda Computer", which they showed to Jobs; he seemed really interested.[51] Wozniak has stated that they called it the Cream Soda Computer because he and Fernandez drank cream soda all the time whilst they worked on it and that he and Jobs had gone to the same high school, although they did not know each other there.[52]
Jobs then returned to Atari, and was assigned to create a circuit board for the arcade video game Breakout. According to Bushnell, Atari offered $100 for each chip that was eliminated in the machine. Jobs had little specialized knowledge of circuit board design and made a deal with Wozniak to split the fee evenly between them if Wozniak could minimize the number of chips. Much to the amazement of Atari engineers, Wozniak reduced the number of chips by 50, a design so tight that it was impossible to reproduce on an assembly line.[further explanation needed] According to Wozniak, Jobs told him that Atari gave them only $700 (instead of the offered $5,000), and that Wozniak's share was thus $350.[66] Wozniak did not learn about the actual bonus until ten years later, but said that if Jobs had told him about it and had said he needed the money, Wozniak would have given it to him.
Yeah, he was good, although not as good as wozniak.

About his birth and adoption:
Jobs's birth parents met at the University of Wisconsin, where Jobs's Syrian-born biological father, Abdulfattah "John" Jandali (Arabic: عبدالفتاح جندلي‎),[36][37][38][39][40] was a student, and later taught, and where his biological mother, Swiss-American Catholic Joanne Carole Schieble, was also a student. They were the same age because Jandali had received his PhD at an early age.[36][41][42] Jandali, who was teaching in Wisconsin when Jobs was born, said he had no choice but to put the baby up for adoption because his girlfriend's family objected to their relationship.
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off the cuff?

I think it's called "speaking off the cuff" and that is what he seems to do at first, but if you look carefully he has a text that he looks at:

I've been wondering about this, because he seemed to be speaking off the cuff in my audios, but that's not exactly what he's doing. He's memorized what he has to say, but not completely.

He's just very good at acting out his speeches. Like many other politicians.

However in this last one I found he's not reading for sure:

Not even peeking like he was doing in the other videos. Damn! Wrong again, at 6:05 you can see him peeking at a written text.
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Pretty nice guy today and enjoyable lesson:

Unfortunately I already have to go to bed.
Deutschland, du Land der Treue

Pretty scary song and yet pretty interesting, too, and a nice melody. Also the videos are very interesting. They're talking about the "swastika" flag, when they sing "Hakenkreuzfahnen". Let's not forget how it all ended. They were all pretty exalted for a decade, like on a risk rampage (strategy game) or a trading binge. You can download all the songs that I am studying from here:

Deutschland, du Land der Treue.
O, du mein Heimatland!
Dir schwören wir aufs neue
Treue mit Herz und Hand.
Strahlend erstehst du wieder
herrlich nach banger Nacht.
Jubelt, ihr deutschen Brüder,
Deutschland ist neu erwacht.
Hakenkreuzfahnen, schwarz, weiß und rot,
grüßen und mahnen: seid getreu bis zum Tod.
Deutsche, seid Brüder, reicht euch die Hand!
Heil unser’m Führer! Heil dem Vaterland!

Heil dir, du deutsche Jugend!
Erben der neuen Zeit.
Übt deutsche Mannestugend,
stellt euch zum Kampf bereit.
Folget dem Ruf der Alten
siegreich und kampferprobt,
dann bleibt das Reich erhalten,
auch wenn der Sturmwind tobt.
Hakenkreuzfahnen, schwarz, weiß und rot,
grüßen und mahnen: seid getreu bis zum Tod.
Deutsche, seid Brüder, reicht euch die Hand!
Heil unser’m Führer! Heil dem Vaterland!

Heil euch, ihr deutschen Frauen!
Heil euch mit Herz und Hand.
Kämpfer voll Gottvertrauen
gabt ihr dem Vaterland.
Gläubige, stolze, freie
Frauen sind unser Glück.
Gebt uns die Waffenweihe,
dann gibt es kein Zurück.
Hakenkreuzfahnen, schwarz, weiß und rot,
grüßen und mahnen: seid getreu bis zum Tod.
Deutsche, seid Brüder, reicht euch die Hand!
Heil unser’m Führer! Heil dem Vaterland!


Musically speaking, this song is better than the others at the links I provided above.

I am going to try and find a rock version, a modern version or just a new recording so that it doesn't have all the static, noise and interference.



You see, it's after another song, so no one has a problem with playing it under the other name.

And here's what he was playing, maybe without even knowing it:

Germany you country of fidelity
Oh you my homeland
Renewed we swear to you
Fidelity with heart and hand.
Radiantly you'll rise again,
Shining, after an anxious night
Rejoice you German brothers
Germany has awoken!

Black, white and red
Greet and remind us,
Be faithful till death!
Germans, be brothers,
Join hands!
Save our leader,
Save the fatherland!

Excellent melody indeed.

And here's the lyrics to the original American version of it:

Charted at #4 in July 1904. Also a #1 hit during the same year for Frank Stanley and Byron G. Harlan, and also the Haydn Quartet. Written by Edward Madden & Theodora Morse. The song is featured in the 1946 movie, "The Jolson Story".
By Edward Madden and Theodore F. Morse
Copyright 1904 by F.B. Haviland Publishing Co. Inc.

Blue Bell, the dawn is waking,
Sweetheart you must not sigh,
Blue Bell, my heart is breaking,
I've come to say goodbye,
Hear how the bugle's calling
Calling to each brave heart,
Sweetheart your tears are falling,
Blue Bell, we two must part.

Blue Bell, they are returning,
Each greets a sweetheart true,
Blue Bell, your heart is yearning,
Never a one greets you,
Sadly they tell the story,
Tell how he fought and fell
No tho't of fame or glory,
Only of his Blue Bell.

Goodbye my Blue Bell; Farewell to you.
One last fond look into your eyes so blue.
'Mid camp fires gleaming
'Mid shot and shell
I will be dreaming
Of my own Blue Bell.

Once again, like Freddy Quinn for the "Hundert Mann und ein Befehl" (after the Ballad of the Green Berets), these german war songs are using american songs.

In this case, it's these guys:

Wow, it's not just Hitler using the alveolar trill in his speeches, but also canadian singers at the beginning of the 20th century: "my heart is breaking" at minute 00:19 seconds.

Henry Burr in this case:
Henry Burr (January 15, 1882 – April 6, 1941) was a Canadian singer of popular songs in the early 20th century, an early radio performer and producer. He was born Harry Haley McClaskey and used Henry Burr as one of his many pseudonyms, in addition to Irving Gillette, Henry Gillette, Alfred Alexander, Robert Rice, Carl Ely, Harry Barr, Frank Knapp, Al King, and Shamus McClaskey...

How ironic that a song talking about how great germany is actually was using music written by the american Theodore F. Morse.


Australian singer, again alveolar trill when he sings "my heart is breaking", in 1903:

Is this what they're referring to by "blue bell" in the title of the song? A girl named like a flower?


That's the only thing I could find.

Hakenkreuzfahnen, schwarz, weiß und rot,
grüßen und mahnen: seid getreu bis zum Tod.
Deutsche, seid Brüder, reicht euch die Hand!
Heil unser’m Führer! Heil dem Vaterland!

View attachment Deutschland_Du_Land_Der_Treue_REFRAIN.mp3

versus this:

Big change, and yet it's the same melody. I like the second one best. My point is this: the melody is great, but I am not going to be fooled into believing anything by listening to it (such as giving my life for my country), so it's better without words. But I am learning German, so I need the words as well.

Anyway, I am surprised that germans are having to borrow so much from other countries, given that mozart and others were from that area.

Same as it was for "100 mann...", taken from the green berets:

You know what I was thinking. In many ways the german invasion of the world was nobler than the american "ass kicking" in the middle east. They had better reasons (mainly that they had been humiliated after world war 1, but even no reason at all is better than the lies the american mainstream media is feeding to the world, "war on terror" and similar, given that 911 was orchestrated by the US government) and they were less overwhelming in military strength (indeed they lost). Now, americans instead are overwhelmingly superior, they are making up excuses, and are just slaughtering people based on a bunch of lies, to make a very few people richer. They are worse than the nazis, also because now only their laziness is the excuse for letting this happen. Information on what is happening is all over the internet. The Germans didn't have all this information to make their minds up.
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I am discovering excellent world war 2 documentaries:

Funny how i can follow the documentary although I know at the most 10% of the words he's saying. Amazing quality of videos.
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Ich schwöre Dir, Adolf Hitler, als Führer und Kanzler des Deutschen Reiches, Treue und Tapferkeit.
Ich gelobe Dir und den von Dir bestimmten Vorgesetzten Gehorsam bis in den Tod! So wahr mir Gott helfe!
I swear to you, Adolf Hitler, as leader and chancellor of the German Reich, loyalty and bravery.
I vow to you and the superiors appointed by you obedience to the death! So help me God!
The Waffen-SS (German pronunciation: [ˈvafən.ɛs.ɛs], Armed SS) was created as the armed wing of the Nazi Party's Schutzstaffel ("Protective Squadron"),[2] and gradually developed into a multi-ethnic and multi-national military force of Nazi Germany.[3]
The Waffen-SS grew from three regiments to over 38 divisions during World War II, and served alongside the Heer (regular army) but was never formally part of it.[4]

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"Wer glauben Sie wird gewinnen?"

Very very good lesson, as usual:

I am satisfied: managed to listen to it (it's 5 minutes long) already 5 times.

Interesting topic, intelligent interviewees, clear subtitles, good teaching method.
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My Life for Ireland (German: Mein Leben für Irland) is a Nazi propaganda movie from 1941 directed by Max W. Kimmich, covering a story of Irish heroism and martyrdom over two generations under the occupation of the evil British. The movie was produced for Nazi-occupied Europe with the intent of challenging pro-British allegiances; instead audiences identified the Irish struggle with their own resistance against the Nazis.[1]


It seems that it was this guy, an actor in this movie, besides being a famous singer, who wrote the words of the mentioned "Deutschland Du Land Der Treue", which I discussed here.

I found this information in this video:

I'll quote the info tab from the youtube page:
Musikzug der SS-Standarte 42.Berlin. Musik:Ernst Hanfstaegl Trio: Theodore F.Morse Text:Franz Baumann. Musikzug der SS-Standarte 42.Berlin. Dirigent : Musikzugführer Alexander Heinz Flessburg. Gesang: Chor des SA-Sturms 25/10. Gloria GO-10846b

So, it was this guy, franz baumann, who was both singing and having written the words, which are very well chosen, although we might not agree with the meaning.

He's also starring in the movie above, among the other things.


Of course all these people today are classified as "evil", but I am trying to go beyond that and understand what happened during those years.

Disasters like nazism take place not because a whole nation was at work to make it happen, but because there's a few who want it to happen and a large majority who's not caring what's going on, as long as nothing happens to them. But then it happens, and it's worse, because it happens all at once.

This could very well happen today. It's happening already. We have chemtrails, we have wars that don't have a reason to be, we have 911, and a lot of other false flag events, and the few of us who speak about them are treated as idiots. This is like nazi germany all over again. It doesn't make much difference. Except it's mainly the US that's causing trouble now.

My father says he cares about these things, and says he works on preventing them, but he also disregards my theories.
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Man, what a bunch of idiots. I almost felt like interrupting my German language course. On the other hand, their classes are excellent, except this tenth episode.
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fascinating Ngram Viewer

I was studying the top 100 german verbs, when I decided to use the Ngram Viewer to assess whether a verb or a form of the verb are more frequently used than another.

This is fascinating, check it out.

Sein vs. Haben in German (by the way, there was a famous book titled "To Have or to Be?", which was originally titled "Haben oder Sein?");,sein;,c0;.t1;,haben;,c0

Well, now I have the answer, the answer is "sein":


And it's the same in English:


... yeah, actually the answer is neither, because according to Ngram, "werden" has even more hits:


Instead, according to this website, the ranking was:
1. sein to be
2. haben to have
3. werden to become
4. können can, to be able to
5. müssen must, to have to
6. sagen to say
7. machen to do, make
8. geben to give
9. kommen to come
10. sollen should, ought to

Overall, it's pretty accurate actually, except for "werden":;,geben;,c0;.t1;,kommen;,c0;.t1;,sollen;,c0

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Amazing quality of content, images and everything:

Interesting document.
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working on these Stormtrooper marches again, and looking for the lyrics:

und diese:

This is how far I got:
View attachment 168378

Ok, guys, I am done with collecting all the lyrics:
View attachment Das_III_Reich_Die_SA_Volume_I-II.txt

Now I'll try finding the text for this 1935 speech by Hitler:

Lots of speeches here, but not yet what I wanted:"Adolf Hitler" AND mediatype:texts

...nope, I was wrong: got it!
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