my journal 3

Damn. I bought hemp seed oil. What I need is hemp oil, which is made from the plant:

They basically had a scare campaign in the 1930s against hemp as they had in the 2000s against Bin Laden. Marijuana = Al Quaeda.

Good summary of it, by the Italian comedian (and now politician) Beppe Grillo:

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Youngest Medical Marijuana Patient - YouTube

Quotes « Marijuana & Cannabis Blog
“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.“…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.” Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.”Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing”You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.“Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.”


Believe it or not, the US is not much different today. We always grow up thinking that the past is evil and the present is good, that we have reached total progress, the ultimate civilization, but it's just a lie we're all telling each other.
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I've posted it before, but it's just so good that it deserves to be posted again:

A World Without Cancer

God bless G Edward Griffin, who's right on all the major crimes of the US government, from JFK, to 911, to the Federal Reserve, to the suppressed cancer cures.

Even CIA-edited wikipedia doesn't dare to dismiss him by presenting him as "a well-known conspiracy theorist" as it does with all those speaking the truth:
G. Edward Griffin (born November 7, 1931) is an American film producer, author, and political lecturer.
more mk ultra manufactured state terror, to promote gun control:

"Dark Knight Rises" MkUltra Mind Controlled Shooter? - YouTube


Just like the UnaBomber:


To double check, let's see CNN's coverage of it:

'Horrific' shooting rampage in Colorado theater: 12 dead, 59 hurt. - CNN Coverage - July 20, 2012 - YouTube

Oh, yeah, the usual talking points: "horror", "heavily armed", "mass chaos". It makes sense. The government and CNN always work together. Tightly.

Mass coverage, mass manipulation.
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very informed and intelligent girl

Olympic Conspiracy Psyop? - YouTube

I, too, while studying these subjects, have found out recently that the levels might be many... as you study these things you can't help getting paranoid, for a reason.

In practice, the path of discovery goes like this:

1) you first discover that the opposition is fake and democrats and republicans are both being controlled by someone, let's call it the "powers that be" (maybe freemasons, maybe illuminati, maybe the corporate elite, maybe the 10 richest families... I don't know)

2) then you start wondering this: what if on top of creating a fake opposition to keep the stupid majority fooled, they also created a fake real opposition, such as alex jones, to keep the more intelligent minority at bay? Which is what this other very intelligent girl was wondering in all of her many videos, such as this one:

Alex Jones is not your friend - YouTube

Indeed, alex jones tells a whole lot of truth, to our satisfaction, but what is he doing? He's keeping us happy by complaining about the powers that be all the time, but is he organizing any real resistance? Not that I know.

This doesn't mean that he's cointelpro for sure either, because his web site is called "infowars", so his job is clearly to "inform us" about what's going on, and he's doing it, and if he were calling for armed resistance he might have been arrested already.

Still, you're left wondering if some of these people (certainly not all) aren't working for these same powers in order to keep us sleepy, thinking that they're taking care of everything for us.

Then there's also other doubts that you have, such as: what if there was no conspiracy at all? Indeed, these things could be happening naturally as a process of destruction triggered by greed, according to this sequence:

1) evolution
2) bigger states
3) bigger companies
4) companies seeking profit and getting bigger and bigger, start buying politicians and mass media
5) by doing so, the citizens are losing their power increasingly to the companies until eventually they're turned into slaves

This doesn't need any conspiring nor conspirators: it could all happen naturally. So if this were the case, we could simply say that the world is out of control due to a preponderant power by the companies, who are only interested in profit. The lying is not a big deal: we don't need to explain lying with conspiracies. Big money, big lying. The mere natural instinct of companies in seeking more profit would explain the whole thing.

Fluoride? Who cares about the citizens' health? It's more profitable this way.
Cancer cures suppressed? Also explainable by Big Pharma wanting more profit.
Wars for oil? Easily explainable by corporate interests and even by a national agenda for the good of americans.
Aspartame? This could have some more problems in being explained. But maybe the poisoning is a side effect.
911 and other false-flag terror attacks? All to promote a stronger government and wars.
JFK? His policies conflicted with corporate interests.
Moon landing hoax? Why did they have to do this, too? Given that they don't care about americans, why couldn't they forget about going to the moon at the cost of lying?

I can't say that all these lies are explained by profit-seeking, but most of them are. So we could see these two alternative theories:

1) plot by powers that be to kill the citizens
2) no plot, but mechanism of profit-seeking that disregards ordinary citizens

I don't know which scenario is more pessimistic. Also there could be a third scenario: both of them at once. There's very evil people plotting to kill, and they're being successful because they're helped by other non-evil people who just want to make money. This could very well include all of us and me, too.

Do I go to africa and help the starving people? What do I do to stop this? This reminds me of that quote by Burke:, Edmund - Thoughts on Present Discontents.pdf
When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.

Is Alex Jones and the others keeping the "good" (people) from associating? Is he there to provide controlled opposition? I don't know. It could be. But he'd also doing damage to the conspiracy by informing people, actually more damage than good.

Certainly the bad men are very much together, at the top. The thing is that they're probably not as strong as we fear. Yeah, they can kill anyone they want, if they single them out. But they cannot kill everyone. They have to proceed quietly because they'd be quickly outnumbered.

The thing is that with progress, there's also an increase in information flow, especially with internet. This is the one thing they could not stop, progress and the internet. So maybe the powers that be are plotting or maybe not. Whatever it is, these lies have allowed those at the top to make money for centuries, and as progress happens, distances get shorter and people learn more and more. Even if they successfully try to keep them as stupid as possible, some information always gets away.

Plot or no plot, this situation is probably not under anyone's control. If I had to make a bet, I'd say it's an ongoing process, which is not under the control of just one group of people. Yes, there is one group of powerful people at the top, that is always the case. But they're not almighty, don't have all power, are not always the same, and have to be watching out all the time, because there could be something like the french revolution.

It's an ongoing struggle, where, right now, the ones of the top one per million have an incredible amount of power and are successfully deceiving the large majority of the rest. There's 7000 people who are holding 7 billion people by the balls right now. Or rather, they're trying their best, with the help of the hierarchy granted by political and financial power. It's like this: they hold the politicians by the balls, then the politicians hold the army by the balls, then the army holds the citizens by the balls. If anything goes wrong in this chain, such as all the citizens getting together, or the army changing allegiance... then things could change.
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Awesome Griffin as usual:

G. Edward Griffin The Dangerous Servant A Discourse on Government - YouTube

minute 6: "the individual must be sacrificed for the greater good is one of the principles of collectivism".

every word is gold

minute 26: bottom up vs top down governments: everything changes in 1787:

the only thing we disagree on is death penalty, since i am against. Exactly one hour into the interview, he argues for it, but it's very well argumented. The two reasons I am against it, actually three are: 1) ethical grounds, 2) it doesn't work as a deterrent, 3) you could have wrongly convicted someone
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Hemp Oil Nutrutional Profile, MaryBeth Augustine, RD,CDN - YouTube

-"The minute? you take a Marijuana joint and light it on FIRE over 90% of the medicinal aspects go up in smoke. But when you eat the raw unburnt THC (NO time the temp. go over 290F) then magic happens."

Rick Simpson
Medical Uses of Cannabinoids | Evolutionism | Dr. Bob Melamede

These mother ****ers are so interested in killing us that they're not letting this cure get out in the open. Given their history of fluoridating water and poisoning food and skies, they're not going to let us cure ourselves with a plant that we can grow by ourselves, putting doctors and pharmaceutical companies out of work. And the problem is that, given that most people are idiots, they're not even seeing what's going on. I am surrounded by people who think that their governments are looking after their interest and well-being. People who watch the news and read newspapers (in the sense that they're letting themselves be brainwhashed and hypnotized).

I started off by buying the hemp seeds oil. Then I'll let my father drink some of it every day and see how it affects his health.

Then, when I'll have the opportunity, i'll go to amsterdam, and undergo the hash oil (cannabis oil, from the plant) treatment, which really solves all your problems. And I am eating the seeds of the fruits I eat (vitamin b17). And I will buy the device to measure my ph levels. And eat alkaline foods.

I did get sidetracked with my trading, but, given that my discretionary trading took me from bund to natural gas, to peak oil (big oil deceiving us), to 911 (government deception), to big pharma deception to suppressed cancer cures, it was really worth it to get sidetracked for six months.

Yeah, I could have done the same while making money with automated trading, and so it's a pity, for the missed profit. But I would not have been as interested in peak oil and I might not have gotten started.

Now let's try to make some money so i can go to amsterdam and buy hash oil.
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» Proof Government Stages Mass Shootings: Batman Massacre Decoded

Batman Shooting Used to Gain Support for Destruction of 2nd Amendment
In response to the tragic shooting and deaths in Colorado, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg quickly stated that he was demanding that the presidential candidates “stand up and tell us what they’re going to do about” preventing mass shootings. Bloomberg admonished President Obama and presidential hopeful Mitt Romney to introduce specific restrictive policies on gun control and gun ownership in America. “But maybe it’s time the two people who want to be president of the United States stand up and tell us what they’re going to do about it, because this is obviously a problem across the country. And everybody always says, ‘Isn’t it tragic?’”

Bloomberg went on to say: “I mean, there’s so many murders with guns every day. It’s just gotta stop. And instead of these two people, President [Barack] Obama and Governor [Mitt] Romney talking in broad things about, they want to make the world a better place. OK, tell us how. And this is a problem. No matter where you stand on the Second Amendment, no matter where you stand on guns, we have a right to hear from both of them, concretely, not just in generalities, specifically, what are they going to do about guns?”

The mainstream media jumped on the gun control bandwagon when Piers Morgan, CNN correspondent, remarked : “America has got to do something about its gun laws. Now is the time. Lunatics like this will always try and get guns. It should be 100,000 times harder than it is for them to do so. That’s my point.”
Perfect example of problem-reaction-solution situation. You (CIA or FBI) stage the event, you stage the media campaign, you (politician or media) ask for answers from the government, you get the answers they wanted to give you in the first place, you take away the weapons from people, and then you control the country completely. And everyone is fooled.

Problem Reaction Solution - Ethics Wiki
Problem Reaction Solution (Latin: Ordo ab Chao) is a mass mind control system. It is used to make changes to the law that the citizens would not accept otherwise.

1. Create a problem
Terrorism, financial crisis, etc.
2. Manufacture a reaction
Let the mainstream media only broadcast/print the side of the problem you want to show
3. Provide a solution
wars, corporate tax-cuts, welfare budget cuts, etc.

The latin phrase Ordo ab Chao literally means Order out of Chaos and is the motto of Thirty-third Degree Freemasons.

Order out of Chaos - YouTube

David Icke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Tales From The Time Loop (2003), Icke argues that most organized religions, especially Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are Illuminati creations designed to divide and conquer the human race through endless conflicts, as are racial, ethnic, and sexual divisions. He cites the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11 as examples of events organized by the Global Elite.[52] The incidents allow the Elite to respond in whatever way they intended to act in the first place, a concept Icke calls "order out of chaos," or "problem-reaction-solution". He writes that there are few, if any, public events that are not engineered, or at least used, by the Brotherhood:[17]

You want to introduce something you know the people won't like. ... So you first create a PROBLEM, a rising crime rate, more violence, a terrorist bomb ... You make sure someone else is blamed for this problem ... So you create a "patsy," as they call them in America, a Timothy McVeigh or a Lee Harvey Oswald. ... This brings us to stage two, the REACTION from the people—"This can't go on; what are THEY going to do about it?" ... This allows THEM to then openly offer the SOLUTION to the problems they have created ..."[53]
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