my journal 3

AFTER spending years in investigating the IUuminati
and its ramifications, Professor Robison felt
prompted to write, "We assert with confidence, that
the Mason lodges in France were hot-beds where the
seeds were sown, and tenderly reared, of all the per-
nicious doctrines which soon after choked every mora!

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or religious cultivation, and have made the Society
worse than a waste, have made it a noisome marsh of
human corruption filled with every rank and poison-
ous weed. It was in this respect that the Mason lodges
contributed to the dissemination of dangerous opinions
and they were employed for this purpose all over the
Kingdom. And thus it appears that Germany had ex-
perienced the same gradual progress, from Religion to
Atheism, from decency to dissoluteness, and from loy-
alty to rebellion, which has had its course in France.
Freemasonry is innocent of all these things ; but Free-
masonry has been abused, and at last totally perverted
— and so will and must any such secret organization,
as long as men are licentious in their opinions or
wicked in their dispositions."

Weishaupt's trickery in directing things from be-
hind the scenes is disclosed in the following letter writ-
ten by him to a fellow Illuminatus, "We must consider
how we can begin to work under another form. If
only the aim is achieved, it does not matter under
what cover it takes place, and a cover is always neces-
sary. For in concealment lies a great part of our
strength. For this reason we must cover ourselves
with the name of another society. The lodges that are
under Freemasonry are in the meantime the most
suitable cloak for our high purpose, because the world
is already accustomed to expect nothing great from
them which merits attention. As in the spiritual Or-
ders of the Roman Church, religion was, alas! only
a pretense, so must our Order also in a nobler way try
to conceal itself behind a learned society or something
of the kind. A society concealed in this manner can-
not be worked against. We shall be shrouded in im-
penetrable darkness from spies and emissaries of
other societies."
Wow, what more can we ask for? They reveal to us how the whole thing works! And people are still watching TV? And going to the movies?

These are the solitary unknown heroes. Researching and spreading the truth. Not the celebrated Nobel prizes, not the famous professors, and not all the other illustrious charlatans that appear every day on mainstream media and education.

These are the real heroes, jailed for their thoughts:

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In plain language the program of Illuminized Free-
masonry was simply a plan for upsetting the whole
world by revolutions. When it captured the lodge
rooms of Europe, the plan truly became a "subter-
ranean fire." The first great explosion took place in
what we know in history as the French Revolution.
Imagine thousands of lodge rooms converted into nests
of human vipers, men possessing warped intellects
with one uncontrollable impulse surging through their
arteries — destruction ! destruction ! destruction ! — and
you will be getting down to the true cause of the
holocaust which drenched the French nation in human

"What was the aim of this occult power?" asks
Mrs. Webster. "Was it merely the plan of destruction
that had originated in the brain of a Bavarian pro-
fessor twenty years earlier, or was it something far
older, a live and terrible force that had Iain dormant

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through the centuries, that Weishaupt and his allies
had not created but only loosed upon the world? The
Reign of Terror, like the outbreak of Satanism in the
Middle Ages, can be explained by no material causes
— the orgy of hatred, lust, and cruelty directed not
only against the rich but still more against the poor
and defenceless, the destruction of science, art, and
beauty, the desecration of the churches, the organized
campaign against all that was noble, all that was
sacred, all that humanity holds dear, what was this
but Satanism ?

"We will have no God, no masters," shouted the
mobs, not knowing that they were merely croaking
like frogs, repeating the ideas inculcated by Weishaupt
and his followers. Then they picked up a woman from
the streets of Paris, dressed her in costly robes and
profaned the Cathedral of Notre Dame by worshipping
her as the Goddess of Reason. In prostrating them-
selves before this new god, the jeering crowds little
knew that they were surrendering to the philosophy
of the ancient Gnostics who boasted that Reason was
superior to Faith.
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Willing or not, with my latest truth about flat earth (a belief by which I stand), I have managed to completely isolate myself from all the idiots of the world.

It may not be fair to call them idiots because I have been a sheeple, believing the 911 official version (lie) until 2006, believing the spherical earth lie until a month ago. So what sense does it make for me to call idiots everyone who is behind me? I'd be calling myself idiot.

So let us rephrase that sentence:
Willing or not, with my latest truth about flat earth, I have managed to completely isolate myself from the rest of the world.
Unfortunately there are so few flat earthers that we are constantly getting on each other's nerves, calling each other "shills" because disagree on the smallest details, it is a mess. Furthermore, we're obviously not carefree easygoing sociable people from the start.

So you take a bunch of individualistic self-centered contrarian truthers, then place them in small forums, then they're going to abuse each other, and go their own way.

In the last forum we've been in, two guys were arguing because one was saying the "Jesuits are the head of the secret government" and the other was saying "the Zionists". Then I went and preached peace to them, but today, one day later, I insulted one of them because he was preaching humor to me, and I told him that joking is an activity for idiots.

So he probably left that forum for good, and I am left there, all alone with the "the Jesuits secretly rule the world" member.

In the meanwhile, not just on the internet, but also at home and in real life, I have lost contact with most people. Whoever I get in touch via email, and write "the earth is flat" emails to, does not reply to me.

If I talk to them, they are far from being convinced. Probably they go and tell other people what I told them. Then these mother ****ers observe me quietly, for a few seconds... and smile. That's when I suspect that someone told them that I believe in flat earth.

Schadenfreude or whatever it is, I don't care why they smile... I pity them anyway.

I am tired. It is at once funny, hilarious and tiring. Yeah, because by the way it keeps me from going to bed on time, since I keep being hungry for this knowledge. Once you realize that they've cheated you on the shape of the earth, your brain really shifts into a faster gear, and starts overheating, and tries to absorb knowledge faster, and faster... you get less sleep. You get into arguments with fellow flat-earthers mostly, since you've stopped talking to all the friends you lost or people around you whom you despise.

No movie is entertaining anymore. Reality is way more entertaining. Science fiction movies (like The Truman Show for example) are just... documentaries, documentaries they can't afford to show us.


Never more than now have I understood what it means to preach the truth with the proper tone and proper speed. That is why Alex Jones is a shill and why he uses his methods.

If you try to jam the truth into people's minds by shouting, they are going to reject it and forever associate it with a madman. They are going to have a phobia for the truth. The lies spread gently and suavely on TV are going to be preferred over our unpleasant truths told with an excited and aggressive tone (due to our fatigue in convincing anyone, and subsequent frustration).

I am not like Alex Jones, but with flat earth even a regular tone is going to be perceived as crazy. That is why Foster Gamble did such a good job in using the tone he has used for his documentary Thrive (although many accuse him of being a shill for saying that there are aliens, which I think is not the case).

Anyway, no more raping people's minds with the truth. Either gently, and respectfully for their previous beliefs or nothing is better. On flat earth, with my methodology I have convinced zero people, and have produced enemies and ridicule probably, although maybe it's behind my back.
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Funny shill, he does this all day long, and has been doing this for years, to confuse us truthers:

min. 4-5
JFK = jimmy carter LOL
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