my journal 3

Damn, this is almost an absurd and surreal/comic situation:

Two guys running next to one another and shouting allahu akbar, incessantly. Yelling "god is the greatest" is so important that they don't even stop saying it to save their breath, when they're running for their life.
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Yeah, the army is not saying allahu akbar all the time:

I am actually surprised that they let a cameraman on the truck
Guardians of Home Land - The Syrian Arab Army - YouTube

very good summary of the point of view of the government and of many people in syria. Not saying that the rebels are wrong, but saying that the international community sides with the rebels for reasons other than wanting the good of syrians.

If the world keeps on taking advantage of specific countries one by one, when it will be our turn no one will defend us. Greece, yugoslavia, all of north africa. Sooner or later it will be our turn, and what did we do to defend our neighbors from their civil wars and from the US? Nothing. Actually we gave the green light if not even helped the US implement their selfish exploitative plans.
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Let's see what my buddies in the Nur al-Din Zinky brigade are up to:

Nope, nothing. Pretty peaceful today. No beheadings.


The people supporting them are well summarized in this video by the Syrian Arab Army:

18+ The 'United Snakes of America' is the real TERRORIST .....and it continues its crimes..... - YouTube

You send american soldiers to iraq and they're going to kill. You support armed rebels to travel to syria, and they're going to kill. The army is going to fight them and kill them. These countries will be destroyed. It is pointless to focus on the specific american soldier who's doing the bombing, the torturing or the killing. The problems begin much higher. But I still haven't figured where the problems begin, and if they can be fixed and how.

However, I think i've pinpointed one of the many ingredients of these problems and it's the ignorance and stupidity of the masses. There might be more damage done by that ingredient alone than by greed. The greedy guy says "I want to send soldiers there to get richer", and that's one problem. But the soldier, if he's neither stupid nor ignorant, might not be willing to do that job. So two ingredients that I can pinpoint right now, actually three, are greed, ignorance and stupidity. Now, greed is understable and we shouldn't focus on fighting greed. But ignorance and stupidity aren't, and they should be dealt with.
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كانت أهم أهداف هذا السفاح هو الحفاظ على حالة “الفوضى” في منطقة الشرق الأوسط، لأنها تضمن بذلك تحقيق ثلاث استراتيجيات يشترك فيها الديموقراطيون والجمهوريون على حد سواء، وهي أولا استمرار تدفق النفط عبر مبادلات تجارية مقابل عقود السلاح أو عقود تأمين الحماية، وهي ثانيا تضمن أمن إسرائيل الذي هو هدف ووسيلة أيضا لاستمرار هذه الفوضى، وهي ثالثا تعزل شعوب المنطقة عن سبب النصر والعز الحقيقي لأمتها.

وهي وإن أظهرت ميولها الصليبية في بعض الأحيان صراحة، بإضفاء هالة الحرب المقدسة في حروبها، إلا أنها تحاول أن تظهر باستمرار على أنها سيدة الحضارة ومنارة الحرية لشعوب العالم، فهي القاتل المتحضر.

لقد حدث تحول أيدولوجي في تعامل أمريكا مع دول العالم الإسلامي على وجه التحديد، حيث أفرزت مراكز الفكر والدراسات الأمريكية نتاجا من الأبحاث يدل بوضوح على أن الإسلام هو التهديد الواضح لمشروعهم، وأن شعوب الدول الإسلامية هي المخزون الكامن وراء ذلك. وبالتالي جاءت التوصيات في وثيقة الأمن القومي الأمريكي في 2002 والتي تحدد أهمية دراسة أسباب الكراهية للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

Yeah, quoting from facebook, a jihadist status update that I agree with: the US is a civilized killer that aims at maintaining a state of chaos in the middle east, for their selfish purposes. That's what I've been saying in my previous posts anyway. These people make much more sense than anything I hear on the mainstream media.

I am using the automatic translator and the whole translation of the text above is this:
The main objectives of this thug is maintaining the State of \"chaos\" in the Middle East, to ensure the achievement of three strategies involving Democrats and Republicans alike, and the first continuous flow oil trade for contracts or insurance protection, and secondly ensure security of Israel which is also objective and a means of continuing this mess, is the third reason for isolating the peoples of the region and good old real integrity. They showed her Crusader sometimes explicitly give Halo holy war in its wars, but they are trying to appear constantly as a civilization and a beacon of liberty for the peoples of the world, it is a civilized killer. Ideological shift has occurred in America with the Islamic world in particular, where created think tanks and us product studies of the research clearly shows that Islam is the obvious threat to their project, and that the peoples of the Islamic States are the underlying stock. So the recommendations in a US national security in 2002 and the importance of studying the causes of hatred for the United States.
It couldn't be clearer. All the concepts are clear, and on this, even my father agrees. You can't help agreeing more with al-qaeda than with our american allies. Understanding 911 really opens your eyes, if you're willing to go off on a tangent, many tangents, that is, and spend a lot of time researching things. Most people instead aren't even willing to doubt what the mainstream media is telling them, so I guess I'll just be a researcher... I mean there's only 15% of us who are really awake. I don't know if that's enough, considering that 10 years have passed. I think the culprits will get away with it, and more. At any rate I am just speaking my mind on what I think is the truth. It feels good.

Here's the jabhat al nusra front, which is one of two jihadist groups in Syria (the other being the salafists):
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Unmissable long opportunity on NG today:


As Joaquin Phoenix sings, I am still here, despite all the problems encountered. I am still here, with my capital, to fight another battle.

Mockumentary "I'm Still Here": Joaquin Phoenix Performing in Miami(Attacks a Heckler) - YouTube
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Too late now for that NG trade:


I should have checked this morning, when I was home.

When you can act, you don't check. And when you can check, you can't act - because from work I cannot connect to my server.

But it's not a coincidence, because the inability to act, allows you to be objective and to check the situation at length. Whereas, the ability and urge to act, that you have at home, doesn't allow you the time to check.

I need to work on solving this psychological problem, and force myself to check more at home, pretending that I can't act. Another thing at work is that I use a web browser and believe it or not it's easier than working on TWS, at least on google chrome, which is very quick and very practical ("tabs" function, and very light and fast). At work I use the daily timeframe and the hourly timeframe, and that is totally perfect for spotting intraday opportunities. At home, you have to choose and switch the timeframe each time it's a pain in the ass on those TWS charts.


By now I can say that I am totally profitable, and that maybe the systems are losing some of their profitability over time. So this is one more reason to get into the routine of checking the markets once a day, from home or from work, and find the optimal mental state to spot opportunities, without overtrading, gambling, or anything like that. I mean, it's pretty clear that the systems can only make about 2000 per month, instead of the six thousand I was expecting. So I might as well get into the habit of checking the markets for opportunities, which could bring me at least another 2000 per month.

With an increasing capital and about 4000 dollars per month, I would even be able to quit my job. The only problem is that we cannot really count on anything so the best thing is to just keep increasing my part-time and still come to work. Like in two weeks, I'll come home at 14.30. Ideally, I should stay home and keep my job as safety, but that isn't allowed.


Grrr... Ok, I am still totally pissed off about the NG trade that I missed simply because I checked from work and not from home. All right. I missed what? Something like 1000 dollars. That was so easy. And I missed it. But what matters is having a good method, because there is at least one good opportunity every day.


DAMN!!! Now let's not be vengeful and let us try not to chase the missed profit with disastrous improptu trades. Ok, I have 1000 dollars because I didn't get enough sleep and didn't get organized enough to check the markets when I should have (not from work).

Google Chrome is a good thing for checking trades on the daily and then hourly timeframe. I will do that, from now on. If you study the markets on TWS you're bound to engage in compulsive gambling, because it's just too easy to click a button and place a trade.
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OK, for today I failed, but as I said there's daily opportunities and the important thing is to have a method that allows you to filer out the bad opportunities, and I have found such a method: checking things on Google Chrome (using the Sync feature for my bookmarks).

At any rate, today I am again above 15k, because the systems made one good trade (finally) and I am up on the ongoing wheat trade, that I opened last Friday.

So once again, here's my method:

1) with Google Chrome, using synchronized bookmarks (too much work otherwise rolling over the links to the ever-expiring 19 futures that I am monitoring), check daily time-frame


2) check hourly time-frame


3) connect to server and place trade if you spotted anything on

When should the checking take place? Doesn't really matter. Optimal frequency? Twice a day. If you do it more, you risk engaging in compulsive gambling, because it usually means that you're desperate to find trading opportunities. You have to pretend that you're checking prices from work. Then you place the trades or the LMT orders, depending on whether the opportunity is there or not there quite yet.

I am quite confident that I'll manage to make thousands per month between automated trading and this method.

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Dude, thank god, NG fell and I got caught up with it, at almost the same price I would have gotten this morning. A bit higher, like 200 dollars of missed profit, relative to the point I would have entered this morning.

In the meanwhile the jihadists are handing out bread:

This reminds me of the Obama phone. You get screwed every other way, but they give you a free phone. The jihadists at the moment have brought death and destruction to syria, whether for a long-term improvement or not, but hey, they give you free bread, so you might end up liking them. Same tactics used by berlusconi, who always steals from the state 100, to distribute 10 to the citizens it earlier stole from, and keeping 90 for himself. And some of these morons are grateful to him for returning to them a fraction of what he stole earlier (without them realizing).

I don't know who's better between obama, the jihadists and berlusconi:
1) the jihadists are willing to die for their cause, but may kill you in the process
2) berlusconi is just interested in stealing, and his stealing will probably not kill you
3) obama is interested in stealing resources from the world, and he will kill you in the process

So the most preferable is berlusconi, because he doesn't kill you. Second preferable is jihadists who might get you killed, but at least they're honest. The worst of all is the US presidents, who kill you and are dishonest.
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The Koran Calls for Terrorism - YouTube

very profound

Mosab Hassan Yousef on his book, "Son of Hamas" - YouTube

God of Islam is 'biggest terrorist' - YouTube

this guy has a lot of good points

one thing is to hear bush speak against the terrorists (after organizing his own terrorist attacks on his own people) and another thing is to hear the son of a hamas leader - two totally different things

One last video:

Mosab Hassan Yousef: Powerful Speech during a Religious Extremism Debate @ the Museum of Tolerance - YouTube

Wow, 10 minutes of that video are better than a lifetime of hearing the stupid news that say "hamas here", "israel so and so". I guess it'd be the same exact thing about ireland. Basically, now that we have internet, there's really no excuse for watching tv - let alone watching the stupid news. It's pure mind control and mass hypnosis.

Mosab Hassan Yousef debates Imam Jihad Turk @ The Museum of Tolerance - YouTube

Wow! This guy is so powerful that I just had to post another video.
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Let's see what the jihadists are up to.

Yep, they're still mad about the meetings by these guys:
National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces (Arabic: الائتلاف الوطني لقوى الثورة والمعارضة السورية‎), commonly named the Syrian National Coalition (Arabic: الائتلاف الوطني السوري‎) is a coalition of opposition groups in the Syrian civil war that was founded in Doha, Qatar in November 2012. Former imam of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Moaz al-Khatib, considered a moderate, was elected the president of the coalition. Riad Seif and Suheir Atassi, both prominent democracy activists and the latter a secular feminist, were elected vice presidents.
The jihadists want a theocratic state and do not accept anything that came out of the Doha meetings.

If you read a little further on the same wikipedia entry, you can see this:
National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A year before the National Coalition was created, 10 October 2011, Libya recognised the Syrian National Council as the government of Syria.[14] On 12 November 2012, the newly created National Coalition was recognised by the member states of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Oman, as "the legitimate representative" of the Syrian people, ceasing recognition of the Syrian government led by Bashar al-Assad.[15]

Later, the Arab League (with the exception of Algeria, Iraq and Lebanon)[4][16] recognised the coalition as "the legitimate representative and main interlocutor with the Arab League".[17] The League did not give full recognition to the opposition; although, this statement was disputed by the Prime Minister of Qatar, Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani.[4] He stated, "That claim is absolutely untrue, and the position of the two parties is identical" in response to the idea that the Arab League's support was different from the support of the Cooperation Council.[16] He also stated that the Arab League "urges regional and international organisations to recognise [the National Coalition] as a legitimate representative for the aspirations of the Syrian people".[4]

The National Coalition is supported by NATO countries France, United States, United Kingdom, and Turkey.[17] The United States issued a press statement on 11 November 2012 congratulating representatives of the Syrians for forming the coalition.[18] The press statement stated that "We look forward to supporting the National Coalition as it charts a course toward the end of Assad’s bloody rule and the start of the peaceful, just, democratic future that all the people of Syria deserve."

So basically it's like this. If you don't side with the US and become its servant, then you're automatically considered illegitimate and they're going to try to organize either a revolution (like with the arab spring) or a coup, like in south america, because they prefer a dictatorship that is their ally, to a democracy which isn't. The US domestic and foreign policy is just lies.

After the fall of the USSR this is clearer than ever, and they can no longer pretend to expand for the sake of democracy, especially now that they are no longer a democracy.

Food for thought.
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A jihadist made a movie to remember those who died but weren't mentioned in the jihadist mainstream media:

Food for thought

You have to understand these people. You can't just hear the bull**** they're saying on CNN. People who are giving their life for the cause certainly deserve more listening and understanding than people who are killing others for an unjust cause.

What do we do in the west instead? We listen 100% to the propaganda by the bad guys.
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an intraday long on corn looks good for tomorrow


I won't do it now though, because I am not an expert on corn - I'll monitor it and if it'll look great on the hourly chart, I'll go long on it.

Oh, and tomorrow is a tuesday, so the markets most likely will fall and the bonds will rise. So I'll monitor, but it's best to wait until wednesday. Nothing else looks good.

Capital above 15k.
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