Java Web Start


Senior member
I've got a Java Web Start cuppa tea on my desktop. :rolleyes:
Do I need it? :confused:
Second thoughts, it must be a cuppa Java coffee :cheesy:
How did I know you were going to say that as soon as I saw your name in the reply :cheesy:
If you have a cup of tea it means you have Sun Microsystems Java as opposed to Microsoft Java.

The two are not compatable.

If you are only trading using IB then it's fine but you will find that if you use a platform that is geared towards Microsoft Java like fins or capital spread then you will have a few problems.

i.e slow page load etc.
I've got Downdata installed which uses MVM but Sun is the default. There's no conflict. I just wondered what the cuppa was doing on my desktop.
ps,. not using Downdata as I won't pay up :cheesy: